Revanna Character in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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Revanna (Rev-ahn-uh)

The Witch Goddess, Angel of Death

Revanna, deity of death and divination, is most often portrayed as a stunning woman dressed in a beautiful black gown, wearing some piece of jewelry with a skull motif. Revnnaa is a demanding deity who expects obedience from her followers. She is the "angel of death." The goddess who takes your spirit and escorts you to The Divine Isles to be judged by your patron deity, if not all of The Twelve. Mystra herself makes her home on the hellish river of fire Infernus. She resides in Castle Infernus, a dark, foreboding structure that sits astride the flowing river of fire.

Divine Domains

Grave, Knowledge

Holy Books & Codes

The Book of the Dead- a book used by her priests to preside over funeral rites and how to handle and dispose of lifeless bodies. As well as The Tome of The Twelve, the history and legends of the gods and the creation of the Natural World.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The priests of Revanna wear a bronze ring of a flamning skull with rubies in the eye sockets as their holy symbol. Typically priests of the Witch Goddess are morticians, they wear funereal robes for religious ceremonies, always black and accented with red and tiny vials of holy water.

Tenets of Faith

Revanna makes no decision on whether a death is just or not; she views all with a cold and uncaring attitude, and decides on which of the Divine Isles, or the Nine Hells a soul will spend eternity. Revanna is also the goddess of prophecy: from the moment a creature is born, she sees what its ultimate fate will be, but reserves final judgement until that soul finally stands before her. As the goddess of death and rebirth, she abhors the undead and considers them a perversion.

Her priests are typically clerics, diviners, and necromancers who choose not to create undead. Her followers view the undead with hatred and consider them a great abomination. Revanna views putting the undead to rest as a holy duty. The creation of undead is a mortal sin, and commanding undead rather than destroying them is deeply frowned upon as well.


Day of Remembrance: A solemn holiday for honoring the dead, with processions to graveyards, offerings of flowers, and storytelling about ancestors. Revenna is honored with rituals that guide the spirits of the deceased. This day falls on Revanna's month of Gloomsoul.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

The Angel of Death escorts the souls of the deceased as it leaves its' body to an appropriate outer plane, if the deceased had a patron deity their soul is taken that deity's home where that god can decide to let the soul reside there for eternity. Or if the deceased has committed a mortal sin, she takes the offender's soul for its' eternal punishment in the Nine Hells.
Divine Classification
Minor Deity
Current Residence
Red irises with black pupils
Long blood red hair usually in a bun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Related Myths
Ruled Locations
Death, Knowledge (Divination), Magic (Necromancy)
Lawful Neutral

Cover image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing
Character Portrait image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing


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