Volturnus Character in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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Volturnus (Vol-tern-us)

All-Father, Master Smith, Firebringer

Volturnus is the god of earth, metal,  fire, and the patron god of the forge. His skin is made of heated metal and his beard and hair of flowing molten rock. He is taller and larger than the humanoid race he spawned, standing at over 8' tall and nearly as wide. His hammer glows and smolders conducting the heat from his body. In battle he will wield his forging hammer as a fiery bludgeoning weapon and a shield, it's metal heated so intensely it glows a fiery red. His forge and home both reside deep inside the giant volcano, Mt. Imperium from which flows into the Infernus; the river of fire that runs between the Divine Isles and flows into the Eternal Sea.

Divine Domains


Holy Books & Codes

The Anvil, The Hammer, The Forge- This holy tome contains the secrets to forging the different metals to create the strongest items from jewelery to plates and goblets to weapons and armor. It also contains the long lost secret to forging mithral. These tomes are in posession of only dwarven smiths. A non-dwarf possessing this tome has either stolen it, or it was given to them as a position of honor among the dwarven clans.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Almost all smiths of all types wear an iron pendant that is the hammer of Volturnus around their neck. Dwarven priests do as well, but these pendants will be made of a rare metal such as gold, platinum, or mithral.

Tenets of Faith

The actual priests of Volturnus are few as you are likely to only find a handful in even the largest of dwarven settlements. Their robes are of a red color with orange and yellow trim, and are often worn over a suit of chain mail. Powerful priests and clerics that are held in the highest of esteem will be adorned with a suit of mithral chain that the priest themselves have forged.   As with most Great Chruches that hold a priest of each god of The Twelve , the priest for Volturnus is not usually a dwarf, but rather a skilled blacksmith-likely human.   Volturnus teaches all that the way to true holiness and elightenment is through excellent craftsmanship. To work hard and further one's skills, especially at the forge, is the true path to strength and power. Shoddy craftmanship shall not be tolerated as the lives and livelihoods of all count on the craftsman and smith to create the tools necessary to live. Bronagarn also teaches the value of clan, family, and organization. That these things are ailso importnat to living a good, prosperous, and orderly life. His priests are usually the ones that keeps historical records like family trees and histories.


Forge Day: Dedicated to Volturnus, this holiday celebrates craftsmanship and industry. Blacksmiths and artisans display their work, and communal forges are set up for people to try their hand at metalworking. Forge Day takes place in the month of Firedawn.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Volturnus's main creation, besides the art of metalworking, is the Dwarves themselves. Made mostly in his image and carved from stone, metal, and earth Volturnus sees the dwarves as the extension of his divine will and has tasked them with quests like expelling the goblinoids from the undersides of the mountain ranges. Volturnus has seen the dire fate that likely awaits his beloved children but due to the Divine Compact, he cannot directly interfere to save his children from possible extinction save through the manipulation and granting of power to his devout champions and clerics.
Divine Classification
Minor Diety
Lawful Good
Glowing orange
Fiery molten metal
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Heated brass
2200 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Related Myths
Fire, Forging, Earth
Lawful Good

Cover image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing
Character Portrait image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing


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