Dwarves Species in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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There are two major offshoots of the dwarven race; the Mountain Dwarf and the barbaric dwarves that hail from Brondheim-the Northern Dwarf . Both are similar in appearance, the main difference between the two being lifestyle and philosophies. The Mountain Dwarves are slow to trust beings of other races but will interact with them if it makes fills their coffers with metals, gems, and coin, while the Northern Dwarves live amongst the barbarians of Brondheim and appropriated the human's gods and way of life to survive the brutal terrain and climates of the north; just as an example.

Basic Information


Dwarves of all ethnicities are bipedal with two arms and legs. Their skeletal structure is compact and dense making a dwarf short, around 4 and feet tall on average but very broad and stout, with a dwarf being almost as wide as they are tall. Dwarves weigh as much as humans, more than elves and catfolk, but less than orcs.

Growth Rate & Stages

A dwarf reaches adollescence typically at 25 years of age. Adulthood comes (and a male better have a good beard) after four and half decades. Middle aged dwarves will start to slow down around the age of 90. Old age sets in when a dwarf usually turns 200 centuries old. A dwarf is considered venerable when they reach 280 years of age typically, and rarely live past 450 years.

Dietary Needs and Habits

All dwarves are omnivores. The diets of mountain dwarves and northern dwarves may differ slightly due to the differences in environment, but otherwise the dwarves eat meat and while eating vegetation means eating moss, tubers, roots, and lichen since growing green vegeation is not something that happens in the harsh or rocky environments in which they live.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Almost all dwarves regardless of ethnicity, have a heavy brow which underneath sits two small eyes. Male dwarves are able to grow long and thick facial hair, their beards of something of legend and all dwarves, male and female, consider the beard on a dwarf to be a sign of status or strength.  All dwarves also grow thick, sometimes, long manes of hair. A woman dwarf will pride herself on her tresses, like a man dwarf does his beard. Dwarven hair colors are widly varied, ranging from black, brown, red, and blonde.

Average Intelligence

The average dwarf is considered quite smart and inventive. Most dwarves are experts in metalworking and gemcraft. Some are even seen as shrewd when it comes to matter of trade and coin.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All dwarves once lived in mountain kingdoms. Thus, they have developed the ability to see in dim and very dark conditons as if the area was illumiated. Their other senses operate within the range of other comparable sentient species.

Civilization and Culture

Common Myths and Legends

It is believed that Volturnus created the dwarves in his own image, but smaller in stature. While Silvanus populated the surface world with his elves, Volturnus made the dwarven people to warden below the earth; to protect it from the marauding orcs and goblins, as well as serve as sentries to protect Infernus and Mount Imperium from possible incursion from the demons and devils that the fiery river flows to. Volturnus taught the dwarves how to mine the rock and earth for gems and ore, then taught them the secret of the forge to turn the ore mined into metal tools and weapons, to better wage war against the evils that lurk below.
When creating your dwarf adventurer, use the racial pacakge for Dwarves found in the Player's Handbook.  Don't forget to choose if your dwarf is a Mountain or Northern Dwarf.
by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing
The average lifespan of all dwarves is around 300 years.
Average Height
Dwavres' height range from 4 feet tall to just stopping under 5 feet,
Average Weight
The average weight of a dwarf is in the range of 160lbs. to 220 lbs.
Average Physique
Dwarves dense, compact musculature affords them a broad, muscular physique. Some let their physique lapse as they grow older and quit swinging a hammer or pick axe, and they look plump and overweight, but on average dwarves are very solid and strong.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin tint and coloring range from ruddy to a light tan. Pale skinned dwarves are possible but are rarely seen.
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Articles under Dwarves

Cover image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing


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