Prospera Character in The Silver Shores | World Anvil
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Prospera (pross-pair-uh)

Provider, Harvestmother, Midwife of the gods

The goddess of agriculture, health, wealth, love, and fertility, Prospera appears as a stunningly beautiful  woman with hair that could be spun from silver, stunning blue eyes, and covered in a gown of gossamer. Her husband is Primus and they reside together in on the Divine Isle of Helios. From there she oversees all whose livelihood relies on fertility and growth; plants, animals or otherwise. She promotes love and honesty. Merchants have taken to praying to her before a day in the marketplace, asking for her blessings in the arts of haggling and negotiations.

Divine Domains


Holy Books & Codes

The Dawn Of The Harvest

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Prospera's holy symbol is a gold medallion of several interlocking and intertwining hearts worn on a gold chain.

Tenets of Faith

Prospera promotes and encourages the art of sewing seeds and growth, whether it be a crop of wheat or during the act of love. She is the goddess of all prosperity, and with prosperity comes wealth, so she also teaches the art of fair negotiations and contracts. Her belief is the true path to personal wealth is to be fair to those you do business with, to be honest and forthright and good things shall come to you. "If you want your crop to be bounitful, then sew good seed," is a mantra of those who follow Propspera.  She will not bless or aid those that come by their wealth dishonestly or through scandalous means.    For life to prosper, it must be constantly perpetuated, thus Prospera is also the mother of love, birth, and the cycle of life. Maidens pray to her to receive the love and adoration of a good suitor. Wives and mothers pray to her for a successful birth of a healthy child, as well as farmers that raise livestock will ask for her blessing for the successful birth of an animal in their charge.


Prospera's Blessing: A major agricultural festival where farmers bless their fields and plant seeds. It includes communal meals, dances, and prayers for a bountiful harvest. This festival takes place during the month of Harvestmoond. Note: The village of Fairhill has variation of the same fesitval, but the day is dedicated to the Aseir goddess of fertility, Freya. The festival does fall on the same month and day as Prospera's Blessing.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Prospera seeks to help her husband, the god Primus heal the land of the Silver Shores of the damage that was done in their absence. She wishes to see all the land covered in golden waves of grain and corn, much to the consternation of Silvanus and Serrenna . She wishes the era of humankind to be the one that will rule eternally the Natural World, and while she wishes no harm to the other species of the Silver Shores, it is Humans that will always have her favor.
Divine Classification
Minor Deity
Neutral Good
Icy Blue
Ling silver tresses
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale skin
Other Affiliations
Related Myths
Agriculture, Love, Fertility
Neutral Good

Cover image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing
Character Portrait image: by Generated by Malekoth using Image Creator from Microsoft Designer via Bing


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