Arun'thaar Casper
Mental characteristics
Personal history
Arun'thaar Casper was born into a very loving, wealthy, and influential family of half-elves. Arun'thaar was unique in the Casper children in that he undoubtedly got into the most trouble. He was the hardest to raise since birth, and was constantly the rambunctious punk of the children. This trait of his made it very easy for him to admire both of his rivaled older brothers, Alathar and Avaahn.
Arun'thaar was very intent on success in training academy, always wanting to be the absolute best at fighting. He always wanted to be just like his older brothers, who were incredibly skilled combatants. Although, he didn't have the same natural ability as either of them. He wanted to be just like the older half of the Casper children (absolutely fantastic in combat), but he was very much a product of the younger half (absolutely fantastic outside of combat).
Arun'thaar's older brothers typically used his looking up to them as more of a vehicle for their ego. Alathar and Avaahn would sometimes fight over which side Arun'thaar was on, or over which sibling Arun'thaar liked more, or over which sibling Arun'thaar was more like, or literally anything they could use Arun'thaar to fight over. Arun'thaar, in reality, was obvlious to this, and would take to whatever sibling he found cooler at the moment; Arun'thaar's sibling preference lacked any sort of depth or meaning.
With Alathar's death, Arun'thaar had taken up the mantle of the strongest Casper fighter on his own volition. Whether or not this claim is true depends on literally any one of the older Casper children returning home and challenging him.
Date of Birth
11th of Sunbris, 563 AP
Circumstances of Birth
Arun'thaar Casper is the sixth-born of the Casper Family, the third son and the sixth of eight.
Alathar Casper
Elincia Casper
Evaahn Casper
Elvarelle Casper
Adrynn Casper
Ellamaya Casper
Avaahn Casper
Current Residence
Casper Manor
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
120 lbs