BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Meta: Exploration is a core part of this setting/genre.    

Major Players

The Honorable Brotherhood of Seekers of Grand Adventure
The other one.
Fritsi University
has a big component of Exploration. A prominent Professor there (______) has drummed up a lot of excitement like Indiana Jones maybe.  
Ilhasin University
has a big interest in history and magic. so likely to have expeditions (less likely ones that may involve the party as employees. ilhasin will more likely be competitors to your quests, i think - capable, deliberate, smart.)   (minor)

Places you Might Explore

* Uppper tiers, like an astronaut delving into areas you're not equipped for   * Underground, Settlements of drow and other weird sentients that wouldn't be welcome on the surface. (ooh some sindr?! lycans. rat colonies. maybe some sentient undead - maybe sentient undead are what happen when people are resurrected with magic. body doesn't return from death - stays rotten. unpleasant and uncanny.)   * Underground Fomori Dungeons (bloodborne chalice dungeons)   * Surface, Necropolis, or human Noble House Dungeons.   * Libervost Academy   If you're REALLY daring:
* The Wyld.  

Happenings / Quests you might encounter

* A human decendent from an old Human House is technically the heir to to the estate. And knows of an important (magic?) family relic/heirloom. Mounting an expedition to dive into the House and recover it. (excavation scenes with tension around the crew involved. "what is *he* doing here?". national treasure. jurassic park 3)


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