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The Honorable Brotherhood of Seekers of Grand Adventure

  aka "HoBSGad" but Bertrand hates that.   explorer society. one funded by "Bertrand Campana". old renowned explorer, with some wasting curse that prevents him from exploring. does he have a title? is he human or dwarven? probably human.
Seek out relics and ruins. Probably in Casadoro
Create and name another one: Another Explorer society that has beef with teh first one. maybe it has ties or does a lot of business with the Rich Person Society, so it has better resources.    


A human decendent from an old Human House is technically the heir to to the estate. And knows of an important (magic?) family relic/heirloom. Mounting an expedition to dive into the House and recover it. (excavation scenes with tension around the crew involved. "what is *he* doing here?". national treasure. jurassic park 3) (also pointed-at here: Exploration)
Guild, Adventuring


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