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The Wyld

it's an alternate realm that can't be deliberately or reliably entered or navigated. Openings occur unpredictably, but more recently - or at least there are more rumors/accounts of them.   The galvan may have come from here. they're incorporeal temporarily (and lawful) so the fae are a great counterpoint. maybe the galvan would be incorporeal while here?  
This is the leftover space. Stuff next-door to the conjoined spheres. here sort of by accident. Space is wonky.   Developing:
Fae need to feel like nature. big. bigger than us. alien but ancient. uncontrollable. I need the fae to not be able to cross over. Kin are created without consideration by the fae. maybe by accident? Maybe simply because they can - like its a fashionable trend.  


format of this Printed section might be : "Rumors of ____" in a very open-ended Spire/Heart kind of way. The everyday person of the world doesn't know about these places. Even scholars might only theorize of them, depending on your personal take on this world. The Faewyld is far more likely to be studied than the others.  
An alien place where nature has run wild. The rules here are weird - both the social rules and rules of nature.   The Faewyld is divided into courts geographically. Each court borders the three others (impossible geometry). Crossings into the Material follow an odd pattern, taking turns almost. this causes the seasons in the material world, as the "Autumn" court crosses over for about 3 months. (Want crossings/the wyld to feel like Narnia/Magicians when it comes to Ways-to-crossover.)   The fae, themselves, are incorporeal - a fuzz ("queen of air and darkness"). The project a glamoured physical form when they leave the realm (and sometimes within it when they interact with PCs). (green for spring, bright colors for summer, autumn colors for fall, white/grey/black for winter).   The monarchs of each court are: Lady Winter, Her Summer Majesty, Lord Spring, and The Autumn Prince.   Hags are called
. (are the archfey also called kroans? or are these specifically the 'hag' archetype? are kroans responsible for the mothering of new kin?) NEED to do a deconstruction of Hag trope.   I think the faewyld may be the nearest to the material. forms almost a front doorstep to the rest of the planes.  
Tintra, Lost Kingdom of the Found

  Central Settlement named "Tintra" (or "vanish?") a place where copies of lost things are copied (atlantis is here. some legendary items. all parts of it turn to ectoplasm when they leave. They *can* be used elsewhere in the wyld
  • atlantis is here. this isn't even the original thaig - maybe this version appeared here when atlantis was lost. everything here is hollow and just an imitation. "
  • is this part of the faewyld? does anyone in this world know or is there even a distinction?
  • Astral Sea
    basically the unincorporated space between the more flavorful realms of The Wyld. Nonsense madness. unnavigable. impassible. (but room for future starjamming).  
    Anti Realm
    (booooo this name)
    the Deadwyld The Upside Down. not sure what to call it yet. my version of the shadowrealm. it's depressionrealm. anti-life. think the marsh of the dead in tolkien. an everpresent urge to wander off, sit and stay here forever. may see skeletons where that's happened. or just corpses that don't rot? The Upside Down   maybe corpses of the gods (human gods) here, as big as the mountains/hills they're sprawled across.  
    "outsider/outworld" - thousands of unique individuals (think sandman's demons) who exist in this barren, burning hellscape. They can't exist in our world (have to be summoned, evaporate). They have a tragic nature/story in that they remember a time before the conjunction - they feel it deeply unfair that they were put in this shitty place. Maybe they claim to have lived in the material world before the conjunction. They act like demons - bitter, aggressive. When they're brought into our world (summoned) they appear as the summoner, but with yellow eyes (i think). Could have these folks as unique dangers in Devil's Den and the underground by Almira.  
    The After (unsure if i want to do this or not)
  • The gods are here, too. somewhere. the individual pockets where they are. and the Wyld started crossing over more after the fall of the human kingdom. some chaos among the gods when that happened and that made the Wyld a little stormy. OR! it was Mammon crossing over that fucked things up. The fomori may have been here once. i like the idea of unifying some of the creation myths. like the Fomori were the "jotunn" to the human's Aesir.
  • Rumors PCs might hear

  • loose rumor: outworld - "a realm of strange peoples and martial arts tournaments"
  • loose rumor: atlantis (it actually is. or a copy of it is)
  • loose rumor: kingdom of talking animals.
  • loose rumor of abductions, mention probes/experiments. (maybe is a place. maybe is bullshit like UFO stuff)
  • loose rumor of realms of concentrated elements. I think the elements coalesce in the thermomare. is that incompatible with this? maybe not. "loose rumor" leaves that door open.
  • some believe it's the place you go when you dream
  • the space between the realms that conjoined.
  • Type
    Magical Realm


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