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Hi-Prio Needs: Orc Governement.   Lo-Prio needs: history/creation and conjunction (dependant on hi-prio need). section for: 'what are orc characters like?'. Potential settlements beyond Ashmork and Sporka. what are travelling orc troupes like (carnivals)? research how high-altitude (particularly mexico, andes, and maybe greek mountain cities) did agriculture.   Orcish Military force. they have to have one because they defend their cities from Skeleman army   origin: no creator god, to their knowledge. The mountain and trees around them are from their realm (and there's a philosophical divide if the soul/platonic ideals belong only to the stuff from their realm or if others have thme too). that sounds like a Sporka thing. Ashmork would be more unitarian and caring.   Sort: terraced farming. forms part of their defense against ossiarchs.  


orcs really respect performance culture. so bards are welcome (but maybe a distaste for brass instruments).  

Free Fighting

Orc Free fighting is pro wrestling. Kayfabe is WELL protected, with the secrets being expressed to outsiders ONLY after they've thoroughly established their trustworthiness. Some orcses in the audience may understand, but no non-orcs are inside on this. (maybe they have some kind of magic bug/parasite or mind-wiping magic they employ for anyone who gets-out or retires in order to protect Kayfabe.   Free Fighting is biggest in the orc cities, with outsiders travelling to see events.   There must be *some* travelling troupes. If they ever break kayfabe or expose the business, the response is usually a belief that that troupe are simply performers - that the carniness extends no further than that travelling group. Maybe there's a new standing territory in Nassaro or Casadoro.  


Society is structured like that of ancient greece. Philosophy/art and Sports/Entertainment are noble, respectible pursuits.   Industry is very wood-focused. Carpentry is huge (tables, ladders, and chairs in high demand). Forests surround Orc cities and are well maintained.  

City Layouts

iron out the geography of elven and orcish cities. i want orcs to have trees (which means forests), but how do they also have terraces? maybe trees around the bottom of the mountains.    


Orc philosphy revolves around determining what is Strongk, and who is Strongkest. Strongk is defined by each philosopher. Wrestling storylines reveal how that society feels about Strongk.   the plato-analogues focus on Strongk as civic duty and excellence   the existential-analogues focus on Strongk as a life full of experiences and self-definition.   "War Poetry" is a form of expression. One-liners delivered after hits.  


Ashmork and Sporka are the biggest two, but there are dozens of smaller settlements across the mountains. activity of the Ossiarchs in the last 50 years has driven migration from smaller settlements into the more defensible cities.     the philosophical divide between spartak and ashna: is strongk physical strength + willpower (gorka) or physical strength + cunning (mork)?  
Sporca (gorka. strength + willpower)
Plato: ('arete'/'virtue' is their version of Strongk). one achieves Strongk through a lifetime of work. it is fulfillment through: balance, civic duty, self-knowledge. [tradition/refined - athens] aligns with 'will' wrestling styles: Strong-style or technical stories of willpower and fighting spirit. bullet club cheating as always-bad. strongk is overcoming the temptation of the easy path.  
Ashmork (morka. strength + cunning)
Existential: one achieves Strongk by self-actualizing and experience. Finding meaning and self-fulfillment by following their heart. (radical, unrefined - spartak] aligns with 'cunning'. wrestling styles: Lucha, hardcore. over-the-top spectacle. Occasionally heelwork is okay   closer to elf city so there's some immigration there.   Inspiration music: Wind Rose.


Architecture: ?
food and culture:Greek, Lucha - any wrestling.
names:greek / orc -> german!
general inspiration:bill and ted in ancient greece + indie lucha culture
themes: "death is coming - make the most of life."
happenings: Refugee crisis as growing ossiarch activity (maybe just ashmork or sporka) is driving humans and smaller orc settlements into the city set pieces: tropes leaned on:athleticism,
tropes inverted:unintelligent, concerned with strength (here, the concept extends beyond physical) Crisis: could be the encrosion of Ossiarchs? orcs are populous places with lots of population, so they're valuable to ossiarchs. and existentialism revolves around a meaningless world in which death is certain.
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