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Sporca (spor-kuh)

Teahouse here.   Orcs grow tea on the mountains.    
    Sporka (gorka. strength + willpower)   Plato: ('arete'/'virtue' is their version of Strongk). one achieves Strongk through a lifetime of work. it is fulfillment through: balance, civic duty, self-knowledge. [tradition/refined - athens] aligns with 'will' wrestling styles: Strong-style or technical stories of willpower and fighting spirit. bullet club cheating as always-bad. strongk is overcoming the temptation of the easy path.   (some specific examples: Courage is confidence in the face of fear. Temperance is not giving in too easily to the pleasures of physical sensation. Liberality and magnificence are giving away money in appropriate and tasteful ways. Magnanimity and proper ambition are having the right disposition toward honor and knowing what is one’s due. Patience is the appropriate disposition toward anger, though it is sometimes appropriate to show some degree of anger. The three social virtues of amiability, sincerity, and wit make for pleasant and engaging interaction with others. Modesty is not an appropriate disposition toward shame, which is admirable in the young.) Distributive and rectificatory justice. also the intellectual virtues: scientific knowledge, intuition, and wisdom, art/ technical skill, and prudence.
  • ropeless ring in center. low lights. tournaments like G1. bullet club faction from ashna.
  • Ishii (Dwarf)
  • luchasaurus (galvan)
  • kingston

    govrernment structure:,also%20known%20as%20philosopher%2Dkings.  
  • Guardians (aka philosopher kings): rule the city. chosen from the ranks of auxiliaries.
  • Auxiliaries: military. enforce rule of guardians within and defend city from without
  • producers: the workers.
  • "Socrates proposes that the Guardians should mate and reproduce, and that the children will be raised communally rather than by their biological parents. The children's biological parents will never be known to them, so that no Guardian will prefer his or her own offspring over the common good. The children of the guardian class will be tested, and only the most wise and virtuous will become rulers"  


  • some day of observing the conjunction. reckoning with the divisions between this world and the old realm (probably bigger in sporca than ashmork)
  • some day for recognizing and appreciating the spirits of nature
  • wrestlemania day. biggest show of the year, every year.
  • a day of rest for the producers
  • National heroes.

  • several philosophers.
  • a warrior king like spartacus
  • folklore.

    many shared with Ashmorc probably heavily animist.  


    (really this is for settlements) Well controlled. maybe there are some that object to the aristocracy and lack of upward mobility in the classes.  

    food production (again, for settlements)

    olive trees. grapes. (wine). goats/sheep. fewer pork and cow. beekeeping/honey. potatoes. feta. figs  

    industries and crafts

    sporca does more traditional filigree stuff with its furniture. fine funiture) Maybe they make sturdier wooden things (like barricades) and shields. Traditional methods allow them to make super-strong wooden shields without metal.  


    traditional puroresu wrestling. music: wood instruments (guitars, violins, cellos, basses). orchestral?  

    Sporcan Institute of Creative Expression

    AKA "SpICE," A small orcish college in Sporca for performing arts. Bardery. Like Juliard.  
    V2   <description>  













    National heroes.




    Crime & Punishment


    Enterprise (businesses: Services/Goods)


    Misc Enterprises


    mail service.
















    Power / Utilities


    Item Shops




    Public Transportation


    black market goods


    Role: Traditional Orc city
    Inspiration: Japanese wrestling + Ancient Greece
    Themes: the philosophy of Plato's virtues and civic duty (and how we create dividing lines around who is part of our community). Refugee crisis with humans coming in and a traditional faction that is gradually Othering them. Tension between utilitarianism and idealism.
    Events/set pieces around:
    Population 8910
    Orcses: 69%
    Dwarves: 10%
    Humans: 16.5%
    Elves: 2%
    Galvan: 2.5%
    Location under
    Related Professions


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