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The Magic Metals   Needs:           Aether
  • found in bergs and in the air
  • <Steel probably>. hard, heavy metal for cannons, drills, etc.
  • mundane. iron/steel, etc.
  • found either in the air or the earth.
  • (earthmetal)   slagnesium
  • like gunpowder. an explosive metal (usually a powder) ignited by extreme heat (via cantrip runes). Bullets are created with slagnesium powder + <Steel balls>
  • engine fuel is created by suspending this powder in <some liquid>
  • might be found underground instead of burgs? would be oru Frontier mining thing and obsolete coal.
  • (firemetal)   <> lightweight brassy construction for ships. maybe gold honestly. (airmetal)   <> rubbermetal for baloons (watermetal)   <runemetal> a metal that enables runecraft. shaping steel in a runeshape won't work. this is like residuum. conductive for magical energies. (magicmetal)   Silver - money  
            Minerals (constructed of various other elements, take properties from the orientation). naturally occuring, not realy processible.
    Metals (not necessarily elements. can be alloys as well). metals imply conductivity and mallability (typically). imply processing.
        Aether (air + metal?) Slagnesium (fire + metal?) Rubbermetal (water + metal) (could be the skin of shipballoons. or i could have a cool liquid metal that operates as fuel) steel (earth metal)
  • lightweight metal for ship construction. (air metal)
  •   aether - buoyancy (maybe can be used to power things? or fuel guns?)
    gold - this could be a weightless strong material that melts upward (that makes it cool and also a good form of armor which would give it value in ship construction). gold shouldn't be currency.
    silver - currency
    coal? - energy (steam, etc)
    <> - some flexible material for 'baloon' construction
    (baloons need to be constructed of TOUGH metal that is entirely flexible like a membrane or else ships could easily punture a baloon and immediately sink a ship.   Metal: that allows you to industrialize magic. eb has a cool thing were cantrips and spells are steadied into a gadget. maybe Maginesium can do this (allowing produce flame to power furnaces and whatnot). A metal that enables Runecraft.   ideas: maginesium (burns!) (i like the pun of magic-nesium, but hate the way magi-nesium sounds. meganesium ain't bad.


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