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Casadoro (Ca-suh-dor-oh)

The floating center of the world, Casadoro is a thaig anchored to the top of an enormous tower, with several landmasses held together by chains. It is metropolitan and densely populated.   People move about the city on gondolas, a monorail, and an island that rotates between a few of the larger landmasses as a ferry.   At the forefront of Scalatoran society. There's a lot of wealth and power here. and a growing divide between the wealthy and the masses.   Lately, talk of the town is the effects of the Boss Articles and the divide that's causing in society. Concern over the growing activity of the The Ancestors Wrath. Excitement over sweeping cultural changes that have come in the last 10 years or so (as a result of tech boom and population). It's a 'golden age' in appearance. it also means cost of living is rising, especially in The Old Quarter, and a bit in Filosberg  
  • Figure out what kind of mob vibes are here, and where. are we doing the "mafia the controls the docks" thing? am i doing that in San Salvo instead? would probably be an enterprise.
  • the energy enterprises
  • more industrial stuff. the people who keep the city afloat. Develop The Bow a bit more. maybe transport, too.
  • History of the burroughs. like the entertainment one maybe was placed here 35 years ago in the joining - was an independent thaig before that. and has old industry buildings which have been taken over by the vibe of the district (warehouses for raves, etc).
  • Edison is here. was formerly a RIG guy. has switched to consumer-facing inventions


    Very vertical. Sky NYC. the smaller bergs floating around the thaigs are beautiful - growing grapes and tomatoes and whatnot. City is explicitly vertical. tall buildings in The Old Quarter and Marquee.  
    The Old Quarter
    - The oldest buildings. Financial district. banks, Some 'trevi fountain', maybe an old dwarven church? Some very rich residents with vine fruits on trellises. Some nice restaurants  
    foggy. from slagforges within the berg. densely populated with apartment buildings. Noir. nightlife. clubs. speakeasies  
    " Cleaner commerce district. artisans. bakeries. restaraunts. boutiques. art galleries.  
    Cicero / The Bow
  • industry. further from the ferry. poorer. more radical elements foment here. a lot of the punk musicians playing in Marquee grew up here. Casadoran Guard doesn't really come here often. (is it that anarchical, though? a city like this can't just neglect order in a place that produces its industry. there has to be some iron fist forcing the work. NEED to work this out. shroomfarms
  • Lombardi Island-Ferry
    (Lombardi Island-Ferry Transit) - raises and lowers, ferrying people from the docks to the old city. On this island there are people selling goods/wares. food. (is it the independent thing? not a high class thing due to how much stuff moves. so it's crafts and indie merchants). Have their own security - "Lombardi Island Ferry Transit"  
    The Docks
    ships. northern underside is where Ropetown is. lot of sailors here. metal, not ropes. Scaffolding.  


    Modern art started here (by orcs!). propped up by wealthy dwarven buyers/traders. 32 years ago, the photograph was invented. and Abstract art boomed. various painters at the forefront of this.  


    Names for art galleries: Studio 1312, Orogosh Arts, Evola Gallery (Filosberg), Halo Arts.   artist: Agata Zogglur, orc sculptor. latest concentration is a series of 20ft tall marble sculptures of gods (human iconography) that have had chunks of them exploded via inserted dynamite. called "the Angel in the Stone". showing at Evola Gallery.  
    The Fox
    Marquee Theatre for plays, magic shows, whatever the blue man group is, etc.  


    electric guitars were the result of dwarven guyvers working with orcish stringed lutes/guitars. in Casadoro 30 years ago. this lead to punk being invented 18 years ago. Metal and hard rock as well. around the same time  
    Brunari Symphony Hall
    Old Quarter. Where the Orchestra plays. NEED: Create Casadoran Orchestra (band)  
    The Door
    Marquee Punk/metal music venue. there is a bar and you can get drinks here, but its mostly about the show/band. (joint)   One band here is "Wind Vein" scalatoran dwarven metal band. (Franci Cavalieri, Claudio Falcone, Federico Marino, Cristiano Bertoli, Filo Gatti)  


  • "Founding Day" <founding of Casadoro>. Parade (in the old quarter. but Filosberg should do something too)
  • "Anchoring" - some kind of chain-related thing?
  • NEED more
  • Fuoconotte
  • National heroes.

  • Filomena Romano - founder of Casadoro
  • Dominic Romano - the Guyver that landed Casadoro
  • Michaelangelo Garibaldi - inventor of the pizza. Aquilan but moved to Casadoro before he died. They claim him too.
  • Antonella Fritsi - Discoverer of Aether
  • Giuseppe Vasari Captain of the first rubber-metal airship
  • Fritsi University

  • a College focused on exploration/relic hunting. Filling the void left by Libervost.
  • applied magic (magic-engineering)
  • dwarven cultural studies. + courses on the other ancestries
  • all the other stuff.
  • Crime & Punishment

    Prisoners from across Scalatoran Society are held in the Upper Floors of the Tower beneath Casadoro, "The Anchor." Prisoners in other thaigs have to be transported here, which is where you get the opportunity for fun escapes/busts.   chopshop (CREATE) on the island of Stern Farms. backroom speakeasies (CREATE) and shady deals in marquee. way scarier black market on The Bow (CREATE).  



    Misc Enterprises

    The Service
    Where can they be found? espionage agency. a group of info brokers in dwarf society. infiltrate crews and companies and sell information to competitors.>
    Gioi Ferrara's Flags
    Dwarven. a flag maker for ships. there's a attendent on The Docks there advertising them. "more at our shop in Filosberg"  
    Felsini's Pawnshop and Lost-and-Found
    Lombardi Island-ferry run by Nori Felsini, dwarf. pawns. and doesn't mind pawning lost coinpurses back to people while concealing the hiding pickpockets. Has a bit of stock of exotic weapons.  

    mail service.

    dwarven couriers for large items. Pseudodragons for small items and less confidential messages. inter-thaig messaging is magic probably  
    Cici's Delivery Service
    Myda Bron, Orc. she inherited it from Cici. Uses psudodragons to deliver mail. to another courier, who then takes the message to the individual. unless you have something with that person's scent on it, in which case it can deliver directly. Courier or two on each thaig.  


    HQ for the Olympianism church is in The Old Quarter. heavily tied into the rulership of elven thaigs. CREATE (landmark) for the church  


    farming is done on a few landmasses located in the central sea (name). arrable land, defended by turrets. Defenders live there and watch the skies, as well as tend to the crops. more boutique foods being grown vertically Around the city, grapes, tomatoes, hops, peas, etc (along cliffsides). Chicken coops and pigs also present. These enterprises are forbidden from mounting guns on their transport ships, as they aren't a company, so they have to pay companies for protection from bandits/birds.
  • Grisanti Farms
  • Marino Skyberg
  • Stern Farm
  • Restaurants (split with Joints)

    Generally the food is italian food. a lot of birds and fish (from fishing ships). so chicken parmagiana but with whatever sky bird they eat.
    Casadoran Chef's Guild
    manages city's restaurants. (logo is crossed cleaver and axe in front of a chef's hat). I like the idea of there being beef about two chains that lay claim to the same 'essential casadoran dish' like the two restaurants that claim to have invented The Lucy in Minnesota. Develop
    Garibaldi's Pizza
    . Has a couple locations now, but the original one is the one that matters. Technically the second pizza shop Garibaldi opened, after leaving Aquila. The Old Quarter.  
    Baroni's Scalatoran Kitchen)
    (Old Quarter) italian food. there's a wall that swings back to reveal a backroom. not very concealed. Members of the Commission do business there.  
    The Almiran Lounge
    (Marquee) upscale. fancy. "rick's cafe americain." Almiran decor. almiran music. has a backroom for gambling.  
    Dexter's Diner
    Marquee. Orcish chef named Gunnar "the Butcher" Bakhzor or 'butch' to his friends. used to be a wrestler.  
    Cafe Lapin
    Filosberg. pastries and coffee on a corner in filosberg.  


    Franky Martini's
  • nightclub. dancing. VIP sections overlooking the dance floor.
  • bands get booked here.
  • Mulligan's Pub
    Marquee. human-run pool hall and pub. bards could play here  
    Cactus Jack's
    (Filosberg) Frontier styled hipster bar in Filosberg. bards could play here.  
    (The Docks) pub. in the steel walkways under the docks. hole in the wall. has a section of glass overlooking the fall. bards could play here.  
    The Troll's Head
    (The Bow) Shady dive bar. A well in the middle of the bar. maybe fights happen there, or drunks are tossed in to sober up? probably the only music tolerated here are drum shanties  


    Casadoro Arms Guild
    represent the many small-scale arms crafters.
    Fiore Handcannons
    Filosberg. Greta Fiore, Dwarf base on jakobs. they craft big, beautiful handcannons.
    Hatoriel's Blades
    Filosberg. Altair Hatoriel, Elf. melee weapon specialist - He gets a lot of demand for Rapiers, Sabres, and shortswords. BUT, he'll be delighted to be asked for elven weapons like: Wands, Scimitar, Hand Axe, Halberds/GuanDao, Shortbow
    Donato's Hammer Shop
    Filosberg. Frank Donato, Dwarf. deep-laughing dwarven hammer crafter. Doesn't make axes and resents the popularity of orcish battle axes.  
    Sabino's Exotic Weapons
    Lombardi Island-Ferry or maybe toss in a joint somewhere with apparent weapons sticking out of her backpack Bianca Sabino, dwarf. travelling weapon trader . smaller stock. and probably mid-travel - not permanently here. willing to advise on forgeries that maybe Felsini's pawnshop trades in.  


    Top district in the stack is a dock/port. Here there are shipyards built into the docks that do repairs. Not much actual "shipbuilding" per se. they would also craft the small skiffs/gondola that transport people around the city.
  • Lucciano's - small shop up here who installs shit on your ships. speaker systems, that kind of thing. as part of being allowed to sell up here, no weapons. (wink. weaponized speakers, crazy shit like that. Radar Detectors).
  • underside of the Docks is a shantytown of sailors looking for jobs, or otherwise without home or profession. walk around on SCARY railings suspended over fatal drops. but a testament to their quality as sailors (is knotting a skill? or is metalwork and welding and structure a better skill there?
  • Polizia/guards

    The Casadoran Guard
    - serve the Commission. lead by a captain, who is appointed by the commission)
    - a second, private guard that are basically expensive private security for your parties or whatever.    

    Power / Utilities

    <> slag refiner that produce crystals and iron from slag. sold to people.
    <> lightning rod producers of crystals. sold to people.
    <> wind-mills. sold to people.
      Civic group: Casadoran Public Works - adjust the compression of Aether to account for the weight of the thaigs.  

    Item Shops

    more-magical rare items would only be in the blackmarket, where those kind of high value items are traded. because they're so often taken by companies. .
    Luigi Mancini, Guyver
    . maybe LIFT or marquee. or the bow. dwarf fixes stuff. invents fixes to problems. Operates out of a small office that has a few supplies he can sell. small stuff like flashlight helmets and lost-my-key fobs. common magic items in 5e.
    Artemisia's Workshop
    Filosberg. Artemisia Fusco, Guyver, dwarf. sells magical inventions/appliances. stuff that qualifies as uncommon magic items in 5e. maybe a few rare.  


    The Gold Standard
    The Beacon

    Public Transportation

  • Gondolas are shaped like a "peddling bar", a driver pedals a wheel at the back which compresses the almost coffin-shaped canopy into a direction that pulls the gondola upward and forward. steers from the back. like a bus. there are seats you should sit in, but sometimes people stand in the aisles instead.
  • Hanging monorail makes an L shape, centered on Marquee, extending to Filosberg and The Bow.
  • Maybe a smal chainny 'rope bridge' extends above the massive chains that bind the thaigs.
  • black market goods

  • speakeasies in Marquee
  • a full black market within The Bow Bow.
  • other vendors vary. the cost of living is skyrocketting here, and shop owners don't mind making some extra scratch.
  • Architecture

    industrial metals (lots of gold) built over roman stonecraft.


    Role: Capital City - center of the world.
    Inspiration: NYC at birth of capitalist america. Sharn. Spire a little bit
    Themes: The empty promises of capitalist booms, and the dark realities beneath it.
    The Rich never pay.
    Hubbub: Passing of the Boss articles.
    Events/set pieces around:World Fairs
    Flashy promise-too-much inventions on sale everywhere
    New Money Parties
    Dwarves: 84%
    Orcses: 9%
    Humans: 5%
    Elves: 1%
    Galvan: <1%
    Inhabitant Demonym
    Location under
    Owning Organization
    Characters in Location

    Articles under Casadoro


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