2024-08-23 - Post-Kajjeroth Aftermath

General Summary

Scene Continues post-Kajjeroth.

  • Fortifier examines the pot shards after the Anaphraim Kajjeroth died.
  • The urn was green jade on the outside but green agate on the inside.
  • Fortifier recalls that the last time he saw this mix of rocks was in a statue back in Autochthonia. This seems to imply there was a non-Underworld origin to Kajjeroth.
  • Braziers in the room are burning rear substances native to the underworld.
  • Umber moss, black vine.
  • The amounts appear odd to Fortifier, as if they’re deliberately trying to create an imbalance.
  • Fortifier extinguishes the braziers.
  • Following the braziers going out, sounds of battle come down the corridor.
  • Scene: entering the corridor

  • Bears-Teeth peers out the door and find a Black Arrow Mercenary shoot an undead.
  • Dreamflower, Bears-Teeth and Fortifier exit the room and encounter the Black Arrow
  • These are the forces of Black Arrow Benhar, The Black Arrows Heavy Weapons Group (BAHWG) who carry crossbows.
  • We meet peacefully with the escorted by to meet the lieutenant.
  • Miribadi Ghostlover, Platinum Lady are in custody.
  • Dreamflower asks if they’ve searched the whole building.
  • They have searched the aboveground areas.
  • Fortifier asks why Benhar is here considering the section of the city he is normally assigned to.
  • Benhar explains this has become a recurring assignment for him: that he is sent out to remove undead threats.
  • Benhar mentions Miribadi submitted to the entrance.
  • Behnar’s forces had received an anonymous tip that there was a hostage involved.
  • Bears-Teeth and Dreamflower mention that they are looking for a living woman who is
  • Fortifier asks Miribadi and Platinum Lady about Flora.
  • Miribadi doesn’t know anything about this living person and has kept Platinum Lady on a very short leash.
  • Fortifier also asks if there are any remaining Green Agate artifacts
  • Miribadi said there are rumors of 2 others that were supposed to be sent here from Dari of the mists but never arrived.
  • Scene: heading downstairs

  • Down the stairs we came to a door that Bears-Teeth kicks through.
  • Long hallway, 60 meters long, with a Green stone door at the far end.
  • There are murder holes on the walls.
  • Stelsor throws knives at several of the tiles.
  • One of the tiles triggers a javelin.
  • Fortifier examines the tiles.
  • Written in old realm across the first 5 rows of tiles. Roughly translates as “Death is no bar to my call.”
  • Bears-Teeth uses Deadly Beastman Transformation to ferry the group across the hallway.
  • The door has an ornate relief.
  • Dreamflower notices that the door’s decoration is partially made of salt.
  • Fortifier feels along the design for any button or lever.
  • The salt has come to cover Fortifier’s fingers, enough that the protection against the undead is likely weakened.
  • Fortifier tries opening the door with the handle, but it won’t open.
  • We considered having Dreamflower blast through the door with Violent Opening of Closed Portals, but that would ruin the door, which is beautiful and we might need it later on.
  • Bears-Teeth and Fortifier work together to remove the hinges of the door.
  • Scene: Beyond the green door

  • As we descend, the other side seems like an eerie reflection of the architecture of the building we passed through.
  • Came to a wooden door with a brass handle in the same place as the door to the room with the balcony.
  • Listening at the door, Bears-Teeth recognized the sounds of a gagged human.
  • We opened the door and found Flora tied to a chair.
  • There’s a skittering sound in a dark corner of the room (unusually dark since several of us were at full anima).
  • Bears-Teeth breaks the ropes but is hit by underworld scorpions in the room.
  • We brought Flora back out of the place.
  • Stelsor asked Flora if it was the Timeless Order of Manacle & Coin that took her. She didn’t recall them saying that is what it was.
  • Scene: Back aboveground

  • By the time we exit the place, it is sunrise on the next day.
  • New day = 25 Respendent Air, Realm Year 769
  • Scene: Next morning back at 12 Carnelian Peaches

  • Fortifier examines Flora with Celestial Overseer Concordat
  • There is a ghost of a solar bound to Flora.
  • Is the person aware of who they are?
  • The ghost is aware that it is riding Flora, but Flora is so far unaware of it.
  • What is their purpose?
  • The ghost was ordered to bind itself to Flora.
  • Does their business interfere with my own?
  • Most definitely, otherwise Thousand Brushstrokes wouldn’t have ordered it.
  • We bat around the possibility of exorcizing the ghost.
  • Dreamflower says we could likely remove the ghost, but would need something to contain it.
  • Stelsor suggests we send this information off to Selene in Yu-Shan.
  • Selene comes at once.
  • Selene says this isn’t something that should be possible.
  • Fortifier asks Selene if she has a device that could contain the solar ghost if we exorcize it from Flora.
  • While Selene is gone, Dreamflower approaches Flora.
  • Dreamflower activates Motive Discerning Technique.
  • Dreamflower asks the ghost its name. It is Keirin Dawnstrider (Night Caste)
  • Keirin died between the Divine Revolution and the Usurpation.
  • Ordered to take the body by Thousand Brushstrokes
  • Dreamflower asks if Keirin is willing to leave Flora and return to the cycle.
  • She says she cannot because Thousand Brushstrokes has a hostage.
  • The terms of her love being saved from Oblivion require that she resist us exorcizing her.
  • This is regarding the ghost of their Lunar Mate, Moonlighting Fate
  • Stelsor proposes that if we kill or at least threaten Thousand Brushstrokes, we would be able to break her out of this arrangement.
  • Dreamflower plans to use her investigative powers to track down Thousand Brushstrokes.
  • While planning to chase down Thousand Brushstrokes, we decide we should bring Satrapi "Came back wrong" Kuan-Jin, the Liminal Exalt of the Tang-Zen Crime Syndicate.
  • He isn’t a necromancer himself, but he does take the role of being a steward of spirits, wanting to see them enter the wrong.
  • He agrees to come along because of our mission to relieve the suffering of the living and the dead.
  • Fortifier asks if their new Lunar companion needs to make any arrangements.
  • Scene: Sunsilk Textiles

  • Bears-Teeth goes back to his weaving company and gives them instructions and explains he will be gone for a while.
  • Scene: Return to Liveasy

  • This is the nearest shadowland at the moment so it is where we must cross into the Underworld.
  • Scene: Arrive in the city of Onyx

  • Dreamflower weaves a Cirrus Skiff for us to travel to Dari of the mists.
  • As we draw near Dari of the Mists, Bears-Teeth helps navigate us through the giant cloud of mist.
  • Scene: Dari of the Mists

  • In the city is a geometry academy.
  • Found a massive 11-story, 11-sided polygonal building for the Timeless Order of Manacle & Coin. Door is made out of Soulsteel.

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