2024-08-16 - Killing of Kajjeroth

General Summary

  • New Player: Andrew
  • Discord: Seraph
  • Character: Bears-Fangs-at-the-Sun (Full Moon Lunar)
  • 24 Resplendant Air, Realm Year 769

    Scene: Seraph is trying to troubleshoot a delivery from the Palace of Pretty Underthings

  • Operates a weaving company known as Sunsilk Textiles.
  • Headquartered in the Cinnabar District.
  • Tracking things
  • Scene: Guildmistress Wandry comes to visit for tea

  • Prognositicator Guildmistress Wandry asked about Steele Cast.
  • Stelsor wants to know who she recommends we attack first.
  • Wandry mentions that there’s a giant reward offered by the Guild and the The timeless order of manacle and coin for the head of the TZ leader.
  • If we wanted to talk to someone in the guild, Wandry recommends Factor Blue Eyes.
  • She says Blue Eyes is more tolerable than others but still a guildsman.
  • Dreamflower knew this was one of the factors trying to contain the damage we did with the files obtained from the ziggurat.
  • Wandry says Blue Eyes almost never comes into the city.
  • Factor Norma Jean is another Guild factor mentioned by Wandry.
  • Known to come into the city more often.
  • Been working with Thousand Brushstrokes more than most.
  • When Fortifier mentioned the Green Agate, Wandry recalls the Platinum Lady trying to sell her a Green Agate urn / vase.
  • This sounds a lot like the urn that Thousand Brushstrokes was looking at when we were first at Liveasy.
  • Wandry seems to think the urn would still be there considering its high price.
  • Wandry says that whoever was using the masks to impersonate the councilors hasn’t been seen since that previous day.
  • We asked about more Guild bad people:
  • Wandry tells us of Second Dog Sharp, who has taken over the old haunts of the Dark Walker. Severe Cut is working with him to consolidate control over the docks.
  • Scene: Dreamflower training people

    Scene: Stelsor takes 220 builders and 3 exalted to build things.

    Scenes: Fortifier setting up the Shadowland Containment Ritual for later

  • Followers mention Flora Gesatti was at Nightnail and then disappeared. They told The Black Arrows, but no one was sure how she disappeared out of thin air. Said she looked like she was in trouble but was gone before she reached the building.
  • Fortifier promised to look into this and maybe ask Guildmistress Wandry
  • The followers said she was being pursued by people in robes and hoods.
  • Upon investigation with All-Seeing Sorcerer’s Sight, Fortifier finds the area where she was taken
  • Hears a loud animal cry that seems somewhere in the vicinity of Liveasy.
  • Sounds like a vulture but wrong somehow.
  • Fortifier interrupts Dreamflower’s training to ask her about the unnatural cry.
  • Fortifier also tells Dreamflower about the vanishing of Flora and her pursuers.
  • Dreamflower is greatly concerned about this.
  • They decided to head to Liveasy to investigate and send an Infallible Messenger to Stelsor for backup.
  • Scene: Miribadi Ghostlover’s, a shop in Liveasy

    • Bears Fangs had turned into a giant wolf-bat to reach the upper story of the shop while trying to track down his client.
    • Bears Fangs encounters a choking smoke coming from some mysterious thuribles. Miribadi enters and explains her buzzard pets seem to love the smoke.
    • There’s a exchange of veiled threats between Miribadi and Bears Fangs.
    • Dreamflower and Fortifier arrive. Dreamflower glowing.
    • Miribadi welcomes Dreamflower and Fortifier as repeat customers.
    • Miribadi offers tea to the 3
    • Fortifier refuses it.
    • Bears-Fangs accepts the tea, using a Charm to resist things.
    • Dreamflower accepts the tea on the condition that Chalai, her tea cat familiar, may bless the tea first.
    • Bears-Fangs refocuses the conversation on trying to locate Flora for the Sunsilk Textiles order.
    • A shop bell rings and Miribadi walks through the wall to tend to the customer.
    • While she is out of the room, Fortifier makes a point to scrutinize the smoking thuribles.
    • Fortifier recalls speaking to Trances of Vitriol & Warpstone, who told him that to get maximum power of a spell in Malfeas she would try to represent all 5 elements from Malfeas. A similar effect is possible with the elements of the Underworld.
    • There is a tendril of essence connecting the thuribles to somewhere else in the building.
    • Stelsor enters and we catch him up.
    • The smoke starts to get to Dreamflower.
    • Chalai jumps up and wraps itself around Dreamflower’s neck, transforming itself into a decorative collar that seems to protect Dreamflower from the worst of breathing the smoke.
    • Norma-Jean enters.
    • Seems to suspect us in the Guild Ziggurat disaster.
    • Fortifier asks what her connection to Liveasy is.
    • She explains that buying the land near the Guild Ziggurat was her idea, but the deal was interrupted by “Her agents”. Instead of killing them (difficult since they are already dead), she accepted becoming a co-investor.
    • Points out that we already know Miribadi and Dani-la (Platinum Lady)
    • Fortifier points out that this land she has invested in is an expanding Shadowland.
    • She asks what that means to us? Fortifier explains it is a hole in Creation where the dead and living cross to where they do not belong.
    • Norma-Jean makes a great show of deciding not to be involved with Liveasy any longer since it is an accursed place.
    • Norma-Jean exits.
    • Miribadi returns alongside the floating green urn.
    • Dreamflower commands the ghost of the pot to materialize. It refuses, so Dreamflower initiates a Glorious Exalted Bolt attack to use Demon-Wracking Shout to force it to materialize for the scene.
    • Combat

    • Fortifier got a grapple on the jar, but it broke loose.
    • Bears Fangs struck it with withering, but Kajjeroth has an extremly high defense
    • Stelsor injected it with the Oblivion Spores.
    • Dreamflower defeated him with Ghost-eating Technique

    Character(s) interacted with

    Wandry Anaphraim Norma-Jean

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