Fortifier of Hearts & Bones

Fortifier of Hearts & Bones (a.k.a. Fortifier)

Physical Description

Facial Features

Soulstone embedded within Fortifier's forehead.

Physical quirks

Alchemical Charms are physically installed so below are the installation descriptions of Fortifier's charms.
  Truth-and-Lies Detection: Metallic second eyelid covered in circuitry (like the nictitating membrane of a reptile but high tech)
Augmented Attribute (Force): miniaturized clockwork assemblages and hundreds of needle-thin steam pistons firing like inverse muscle fibers.
Portable Utility Compartment: a bulky attachment around forearm (looks kind of like a Fallout Pipboy but larger). When activated, a tiny, hinged arm pops up holding the tool.
Sagacity Excellency: A series of ridges that look like memory cards installed along Fortifier's scalp.
Wellness-Restoring Meditation: Fortifier produces a set of crystalline harmonic devices that he places around the patient. Between the devices, a humming field of white energy promotes tissue regeneration.
Spirit Strengthens the Skin: A wide collared mantle. When activated, layers of metal plates slide down from the mantle to cover the attacked part of his body. (I'm thinking kind of like the armor in Stargate)

Special abilities

Nigh-miraculous healing acumen.

Mental characteristics

Accomplishments & Achievements

A veteran medic of the Divine Revolution, Fortifier learned a lot about how essence flows through the body of various types of Exalts and how to realign those flows to promote healing.

Failures & Embarrassments

In the back of Fortifier's mind is the fear that Autochthon's apparent absence from Creation could have been prevented somehow. Were the Alchemical Exalted insufficient in some way?

Intellectual Characteristics

Though generally quite knowledgable about how the metaphysics of Creation, Fortifier is very new to the concept of an Underworld.

Morality & Philosophy

Unless given information to the contrary, Fortifier is significantly biased in favor of fellow Exalts as the current incarnations of the Exalted Host. This particularly applies to Alchemicals, Solars, Lunars, Sidereals and Dragon-Blooded; for the types that appeared after Fortifier was put into stasis (Liminals, Exigents, Getimians, Abyssals, and Infernals), he is perhaps more open-minded than is prudent (considering some have sworn to destroy Creation).   Regarding the dead, all material and energy is ideally recycled into a new form that benefits the world and its inhabitants. This is what helps the world adapt. A hungry ghost preying on the living benefits no one.

Personality Characteristics


Fortifier believes the Primordial Autochthon built him to heal and rebuild the war-ravaged. What the end state of this would be is a project for the far future. At present, much is in need of mending.

Virtues & Personality perks

Compassion & Courage "Without power, compassion is toothless. Without compassion, power corrupts."


Family Ties

Alchemicals are created and thus without biological family. Nonetheless, Exaltation necessitates a human soul and with it a longing for community. The other 5 Alchemicals of Great Forks and Nexus are the closest thing Fortifier has to a biological siblings: bound by a common maker rather than by choice.

Religious Views

Autochthon, the Great Maker, is the single greatest mind Creation has ever known, capable of solving all of the world's problems easily. Autochthon likely works somewhere in secret, waiting until the proper time to reemerge. Until then, we must continue the work we were made to do and endeavor to prepare the physical and social structures Autochthon will need.

Social Aptitude

Blatantly trustworthy and trusting, Fortifier is refreshingly and frustratingly guileless. Having walked in the time when the Chosen waged open war against titans, the idea that Fortifier should hide his Alchemical nature to pass as a mortal is foreign to him.


Fortifier speaks with a measured, clinical manner. His tone varies little with the situation, however: just as sober fighting a ox-dragon as he his treating a patient.

Jade Caste Alchemical Exalt. Created by Autochthon before the Divine Revolution and put into statis after that conflict.

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Honorary & Occupational Titles
Chosen of Autochthon
Approx. 5000 years, functional for only maybe a dozen of those
Current Residence
12 Carnelian Peaches, Nexus
depends on loadout
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
yellowish white jade
962 lbs.
Known Languages
Old Realm.

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