2024-09-06 Discussion & Defense

General Summary

Scene: continuing with Dr. Fingal

  • Told Dr. Fingal that Malachy used a phoenix fruit to heal The Ashen Sage of Oblivion aka Filandro Deathknight after we used Stelsor Bladed Tornado’s knives to remove the Oblivion Spores and Sees-your-soul to contain them.
  • The term “phoenix fruit” seems to adequately throw him off the scent that it was a Peach of Immortality.
  • Scene: speaking with Nyeah on who to invite to the Peace Talks.

  • Stelsor asked about how to get in touch with Jacint, Third Circle Demon and 18th sub-soul of Adorjan.
  • Summoning a Third Circle Demon into Creation is only possible during Calibration which is many months away. So speaking with Jacint directly before then would require visiting Malfeas.
  • Apparently Jacint is partial to scrimshaw.
  • Players review the peace talk terms out of character.

  • One idea is to replace the rubble of the Guild ziggurat replaced with a Coliseum.
  • Perhaps gambling could be part of the Coliseum’s attractions and raise funds for the groups involved.
  • Scene: at 12 Carnelian Peaches, the Underthings ladies visit

  • Stelsor was trying to get in touch with Ingvald, but Flora Gesatti and another lady arrive instead.
  • The ladies say Ingvald has been getting older and is retiring.
  • Stelsor suggests purchasing new uniforms.
  • They mention they might buy the fabric from Sunsilk textiles.
  • Stelsor discusses aloud the idea of a coliseum.
  • Plentimon of the Dice, God of Gamblers, Patron of Chance and Good Fortune appears from no where as gods can do.
  • Plentimon is unhappy that there is already gambling occurring in Liveeasy because his was previously the only casino in the area. He receives worship from the fair games at his casino, so it is more like a temple in that respect.
  • Plentimon suggests that if criminal organizations are involved, they will want unfair odds and that is something Plenimon is very against.
  • Plentimon is not against gambling for charity, but mentions he doesn’t draw worship from that.
  • Stelsor suggests a numbers game or some other gambling in the Confederacy of Rivers District. Plentimon is skeptical that the refugees of the area would, could or should gamble considering how little they have.
  • We ask Plentimon if inviting the Emissary of Nexus to peace talk might be good.
  • Plentimon doubts the Emissary would be much help.
  • Plentimon mentions there being rumors of a body of Shadow Entities.
  • Some say there are as many as 9, same as the normal Council of Entities, but Plentimon knows about only 3 or 4.
  • A shadow entity was involved with Second Dog Sharp and Cuepidity and piracy.
  • We discuss having some sort of permanent amusement venue.
  • A small bat flies in and turns into a Lunar. It is Anja Silverclaws.
  • She says that the caravan ship was attacked by undead, she flew back to Nexus for help.
  • Stelsor reveals that he can now burrow quickly through the earth while in Devil-Body Incarnation.
  • With Anja directing, Stelsor burrows along with Fortifier and Scurrilous Minx.
  • Scene: Caravan ship under attack

  • Ingosh Silverclaws is on the deck, beset by ghosts bearing the markings that appear to be the Lover’s forces.
  • Steele Cast is strangely absent, at least from the battle on deck.
  • Paused combat after 2 rounds.
  • Report Date
    06 Sep 2024
    Primary Location


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