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Chronicles of the Fillennium Malcon

A list of important events that occurred during the adventures of the crew of the Fillennium Malcon


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    The First Skirmish
    Discovery, Exploration

    Our intrepid heroes found themselves in a cave full of bugbears, looking for a chest with unknown contents. After defeating the bugbear tribe and their chief, the crew of the Fillennium Malcon found a statuette of an orc chieftain in the aforementioned chest. They returned to their ship, and attempted to negotiate a deal with their captain, Flunce Dofflingyay. The crew was unable to reach an agreement with the captain, so everyone went to bed as the ship was sailed back to its original port of Bombardment Bay.

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    Mutiny in the Morning
    Criminal Activity

    When our crew awoke in the morning, they spotted a rowboat approaching through the dense fog. They were attacked by ruffians, and when the captain left his quarters, he began attacking his own crew. When our crew defeated the attackers, they found that they all had mysterious "V's" on them, and the captain's magical rapier had a different "V" on the crossguard. Quinshil Featherflare became the captain of the Fillennium Malcon, and the crew continued into Blasted Port.

    Bombardment Bay

Act 1

3 and beyond

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    Shopping Spree
    Financial Event

    Our crew, flush with cash from the quarters of their ex-captain, set forth on a shopping spree through Blasted Port.

    Blasted Port
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    Tankards of Fish
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    The crew took part in some gambling and drinking in a well-known tavern, Tankards of Fish. Whilst engaging in frivolity, the crew noticed a halfling pirate captain enter with his crew. This halfling, wearing an enormous hat, introduced himself as Captain Victus, and he ended up instructing our crew that they were no longer welcome in his establishment. Sadly, the night ended in tragedy, as the first Keggy was destroyed in a fatal mishap.

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    A Back Alley Bar

    Waking up the following morning, the crew departed the ship to find a tavern Narrar had heard about, The Hole in the Wall, where the bartender ended up being his youngest brother, Elelor. The crew learned about an underground location that might have more work for them.

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    Squid-faced Scuffle
    Military: Skirmish

    The crew absolutely demolished the four squid-faced priests and the Mindwitness in the streets. Quinshil decapitated one, Ye'len's Toll the Dead spell "sucked" the life out of another one, and Narrar precisely destroyed the Mindwitness. After the battle, the crew was confronted by a group of shadowy cloaked figures, who brought them to the mysterious underground city of Lighthold.

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    Rewards and An Offer
    Life, Education

    The city of Lighthold was revealed to be the headquarters of the Zhentarim Reborn, a secretive organization that works to topple evil power structures in the Stolen Seas. The crew all received free bonus feats, and they met Valerie Windfall, the head of the Zhentarim Reborn. She offered them a bounty for heading to Al'istrai Isle and discovering the source of the abberations in Blasted Port.

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    Sailing to Al'istrai Isle

    In our first full sailing session, the crew deftly navigated the Stolen Seas. They met Orth Ognatathogor, an adult gold dragon. They struggled through a storm, and after battling the elements, they finally arrived at Al'istrai Isle on the morning of their fourth day at sea.

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    Exploring Al'istrai Isle
    Discovery, Exploration

    As they approached the island, the crew found the waters poisonous and clouded black. They found the main town was mostly destroyed, burnt and rotting in a strange malady of time. After discovering some clues, they came across a series of bloody markings on the wall. Gratmon put his own blood on the markings, and they reformed into a map leading to the center of the isle.

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    Blood and Banishment
    Military: Battle

    Stumbling into a clearing, the crew found a blood-version of Gratmon waiting for them. They defeated it, and continued into an aberration hideout inside the main mountain on the island. As they began the fight, Farryn cast Banishment, and expelled the part-celestial part-abberation creature from the Material Plane, bringing a swift conclusion to this fight.

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    The Pool of Blood
    Disaster / Destruction

    After the brief battle, the crew investigated the cave, particularly focusing on the pool of blood in the center. Brewmaul was killed by the pool as it began overflowing, flooding the floor of the cave in a thick, viscous blood. He was revivified, and they crew escaped Al'istrai Isle. They sailed back to Bombardment Bay, only to find it smoldering and burning after a series of attacks occurred in their absence.

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    Who Burned Bombardment Bay?
    Disaster / Destruction

    Exploring the city, our crew found that vampires had been spotted stalking the streets on the night of the fires. They went to Lighthold, and found the entrance had been broken down. Heading to the city, the crew found members of the Zhentarim Reborn holed up outside the city, and they began planning an attack on the occupied city of Lighthold.

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    The Siege of Lighthold
    Military: Battle

    The crew snuck into Lighthold, and upon breaking into the Tower, they found Captain Victus holding Valerie Windfall captive. Victus revealed that he was the one who paid Captain Flunce to retrieve the orc statue, and he demanded they hand it over. After the crew refused, he found a mysterious journal in Valerie's desk, and with a tip of his hat, he vanished, leaving his first mate Groll and the vampirates to battle our crew. With two members being knocked down in the fight, things looked dire; but fortunately, Groll and the vampirates teleported away before things went too far south. Valerie revealed a connection to Admiral Verona Rogue, and we found that the orc statue looks identical to Verona's first mate, Vice Admiral Dravakk One-Eye. And at the very end of the session, Valerie found a possible connection between Victus and the Church of Talos.

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    Investigating Verona Rogue
    Discovery, Scientific

    After the battle with the vampirates, the crew dove into researching the historical records of Admiral Verona Rogue. Valerie Windfall revealed that she knew Verona, but did not know where she went or where she buried her treasure hoard. The crew found Verona was travelling a lot to the northwest region of the Stolen Seas, as well as some speculation that the "Hoard of Verona Rogue" is most likely just a collection of her most prized possession (her full hoard would be too big to be hidden on an island).

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    Sailing to Port Wing

    Day 1: Storm, Intensity Level 2, successful navigation and survival; Ye'len rolled a nat 20 on fluffiness.   Day 2: Exquisite day, small treasures found; Forever Clear invented   Day 3: Cloudy, bountiful treasure found   And with that, the crew arrived at Flying Fish Isle.

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    Port Wing
    Financial Event

    When the crew landed (or rather, were hoisted up) at Port Wing, they went on a full shopping spree: restocking the ship, buying magical components, and attempting to swindle an elderly businessman. Quinshil, at the gamling hall, met Hud and Elonna, two arrakocra playing the tables. Hud sought passage to Promiscuous Peaks, and Elonna wanted to explore the world to find out what happened to her hometown of Port Tail during the raids all those years ago.

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    A Quest from Crewala
    Gathering / Conference

    Gathering in the local tavern Devil Do Me Dirty, the crew learned details of a mission to free a group of captured commoners from Port Tail from their host, Crewala. The pirates of The Ocean's Executioners had somehjow managed to fight off several other crews seeking the bounty. After chatting with Shaggau, the bartender, Brewmaul and her went to the backrooms to ███████. At the end of the night, Gratmon and Crewala went upstairs, and they ███████. Quinshil and Icepop snooped on the encampment, where Icepop found something deep in the sea caves below the cove...

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    Captured Commoners
    Military: Battle

    The first ship-to-ship combat of the campaign! Our crew gathered at the edge of the cove, and Quinshil flew herself and BRewmaul (in a portable hole) high up into the sky. She then stooped and crashed through the anchored capstan of The Ocean's Executioners, effectively disabling their ability to un-anchor their ship. She and Brewmaul freed the commoners, and as The Fillennium Malcon moved within cannon firing range, Quinshil and Brewmaul fought through the pirates as best as they could.   As the first cannon shots rang out across the water, a great beast below the waves awoke from its slumber - a terrible kraken joined the fight! It grappled The Ocean's Executioners and began hurling people off the ship. The commoners escaped, and the crew of The Fillennium Malcon bombarded the stranded ship; knowing their ship was lost, the evil pirates swam off to safety, leaving the kraken to its feast.   At the end of the battle, the crew learned that Brewmaul had a vampiric secret, and he revealed the extent of his "condition". The ship sailed back to Port Wing, ready to collect their bounty and begin the trip onwards to Serenity Valley.

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    A Night of Love

    Oh boy....   Approaching the docks, our crew came across Dak and Pak, who sheepishly informed the crew that they had won a lot of money at a kobold wrestling match, but lost it all in a stock purchase of a timeshare at an improv troupe. At the tavern "Devil Do Me Dirty", the crew received their reward, and Crewala (at Hoorul's request) revealed that she was a member of the Harper's Alliance, a faction formed from the historic Lord's Alliance and Harpers.   After receiving their reward, the crew split up throughout the tavern and the city. Brewmaul and Shaggau once again when to her room, where they ███████; Ye'len and the mercenary-for-hire Captain Qhennu Seadreamer went to a tavern room and ███████; Narrar and Crewala went upstairs and ███████; and finally, Quinshil went back to the ship and met with Ki'a, where they ███████.   The next day, Brewmaul and Shaggau got married at the Chapel of Lathander in Port Wing, and the crew spent another night celebrating the happy couple. In the morning, they set sail to Serenity Valley, continuing in the quest to find the hoard of Admiral Verona Rogue.