The Life of Ferawk'amo

A history of the major and minor events involving the character Ferawk'amo Longstride since joining Stonewind.

Wrath of the Lich King

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    Battle of the Wrathgate
    Military: War

    A major engagement at the Wrathgate fortress on the border with Icecrown in Dragonblight, originally between the Undead Scourge and a united force of Alliance and Horde, as part of the war against the Lich King. The conflict was one of the largest in the war, and ultimately saw a tremendous loss of life for the Alliance-Horde army.

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    Ferawk's Fall
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Ferawk'amo is crippled during the charge at the Wrathgate. He would be forced to sit out the rest of the conflict, returning to Thunderbluff by zeppelin after its conclusion.


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    Get a Job, You Bull
    Life, Identity

    Ferawk is hired by Bena's Alchemy as an herbalist. He would live a fairly routie life for the next few years, trying to manage his condition.


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    Third Moon of Summer

    Ferawk'amo leaves Thunderbluff
    Life, Relocation

    Distrusting of the shift in Horde leadership after the death of Vol'jin, Ferawk looks to find his way off the Bluffs. After a fortunately timed encounter, the bull soon finds himself packing for the journey into Stonetalon Mountains.

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    First Moon of Spring

    Ferawk joins the Stonewind Tribe
    Life, Identity

    Ferawk'amo takes his oath to the tribe, beginning to quietly build a home for himself.

Breaching the Veil

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    Second Moon of Summer

    Ghoul Attack
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    With the veil shattered, undead active on Azeroth continues to rise. Mulgore, though less affected than other regions, sees a spike in necromatic activity late one night. Risen corpses can be seen shambling aimless across the plains, though not in such numbers that the shamans of the area cannot bring the situation under control.   Travelers are quickly ushered off the travel paths to the nearest safe areas, Stonewind Village seeing many visitors take refuge within their borders. Though there are a few scares and close calls, the dawn comes without apparent incident.