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Alexander Rake

Councilman Alexander Rake

Alexander Rake was a councilman in the Baldur's Gate Parliament of Peers, the White Wyrmspeaker for the Cult of the Dragon, and the mastermind behind the Baldur's Gate Uprising.


Alexander was born in 1457 to the esteemed Rake family, one of Baldur's Gate's oldest, having earned their name and fortune by assisting in the initial construction of the city. Rake would grow up in a lifestyle akin to that of nobility, though ever aware that he and his family were not truly nobles.   In 1482, Baldur's Gate was beset by the Bhaalspawn Crisis, when Council of Four member Abdel Adrian was transformed into a Bhaalspawn. The monstrosity was eventually taken down by a combination of Flaming Fist and a group of adventurers led by Jessabelle Leonin. Rake, now the head of the family, leveraged the resources at his disposal to aid in the rebuilding of Baldur's Gate, both increasing his family's wealth and prestige. Afterwards, Alexander became the most influential non-noble in the city.   Sometime between 1482 and 1491, Rake was contacted by the Cult of the Dragon. The cult exploited his feelings of inadequacy when compared to the true nobility in Baldur's Gate, made worse by seeing Jessabelle Leonin, a bastard, be given a title. Rake began supplying the cult in secret, eventually using his influence to become the White Wyrmspeaker, though his true goal lied not in Tiamat's revival but in controlling Baldur's Gate. During this time, Rake began training and developing draconic sorcery.  
This city is mine! I've built this city! I AM BALDUR'S GATE!
— Alexander Rake
    On the 14th of Uktar, 1491, Rake began the Baldur's Gate Uprising. His plan was to trap all members of the Parliament of Peers and Council of Four inside the High Hall, with a magical trap of his own design, and subsequently blow up them and the building. Meanwhile, members of the Cult of the Dragon, stationed throughout the city, rose up and began attacking key locations. Unfortunately for Rake, his plan went awry when the Breadwinners Mariana Goldfinch, Eilidh Stormheart, Legolass Darkblade, and Malachor Wolfsbane discerned that Rake was behind the uprising. The Breadwinners found Rake in his mansion, where he attempted to kill them using the Cloak of the White Dragon and by reanimating the statues of his ancestors lining his great hall. Ultimately, Rake was defeated, his spell trap broken, and the city was saved.

Mental characteristics

Mental Trauma

By the end of his life, Rake was so consumed by his obsession to control Baldur's Gate he began going mad. During his confrontation with the Breadwinners, Rake's mental psyche began to unravel as he faced opposition for his control of the city. This caused him to see himself as the personification of the entire Rake line, and by extension, in his fractured mind, as Baldur's Gate itself.

Personality Characteristics


Rake actions were driven by a never ending feeling of inferiority. The Rake family had been one of the primary builders of Baldur's Gate, but was never awarded a noble title. Rake believed that Baldur's Gate belonged to him as much, if not more, than most of the nobles in the city, and he was willing to use whatever methods necessary to take it.
Lawful Evil
1457 CR 1491 CR 34 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by the Breadwinners during the Baldur's Gate Uprising
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

Cover image: by Wizards of the Coast


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