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Jessabelle Leonin

Marquess Jessabelle Leonin (a.k.a. The Lionness)

Jessabelle Leonin, nicknamed The Lioness, was one of the most prolific adventurers in the Sword Coast and a renowned hero of Baldur's Gate for her role in the Bhaalspawn Crisis and the Great Dragon War.  


Early Life

  Leonin was born in 1443 as a bastard to a minor noble. Forced to find her own way in the world , the young Leonin took up adventuring. Between the early 1460's and 1482, Leonin was involved in many numerous adventures across the Sword Coast, including run-ins with mind flayers, pirates, oozes, giants, and more.   In 1482, Leonin found herself in Baldur's Gate during the Bhaalspawn Crisis. Due to a combination of luck, skill, and bravery, Leonin herself dealt the final blow to kill the beast that was formerly Abdel Adrian. For her efforts, the Council of Four awarded Leonin a noble title, Marquess, an unprecedented event, though her somewhat noble heritage kept it from being too scandalous.   Famous and wealthy, Leonin officially retired and spent the next decade in boredom, dodging responsibilities by traveling, competing in various tournaments, and partaking in the odd adventure. Sometime before 1491 she took on a young squire, Ronald, though he was treated more as an accountant than burgeoning adventurer.  

The Great Dragon War

  In late 1491, Leonin was in Elturel, participating in the city fair, when she met the Breadwinners, Mariana Goldfinch, Legolass Darkblade, Malachor Wolfsbane, and Amber. Their performance in the tournament, especially Mariana's endeared them to her, and she offered to assist them in getting Baldur's Gate to join the future Council of Waterdeep.   Leonin assisted the Breadwinners by providing both housing and instruction on how to target certain key players. She helped Edward Dawnspear legitimize his bastard, Lysenna, in exchange for his support in fighting the Cult of the Dragon. In addition, Leonin secured the support of Ulder Ravengard, though he was hesitant to back anything without unanimous support.   On the 14th of Uktar, 1491, Leonin, alongside the other members of the Parliament of Peers and Council of Four, was trapped in the High Hall during the Baldur's Gate Uprising. Following the death of Alexander Rake, she led many of the city's guardsman personally in repelling the Cult of the Dragon, during which her squire Ronald was injured.   Following the uprising, and Baldur's Gate's subsequent entry into the Council of Four, Leonin was appointed by Ravengard as the as secondary representative of Baldur's Gate in the Council of Waterdeep. She was also made head general of the city's combined military forces. Leonin led these forces personally during the Battle of Hardbuckler in late 1492.   On the 2nd of Marpenoth, 1492, Leonin joined the Breadwinners and their close allies in their mission to disrupt Tiamat's summoning during the Battle at the Well of Dragons. She was wounded, but survived, and returned to Baldur's Gate a hero twice over.  

Life after the War

  Leonin refused to settle back into a life of monotony, taking a more vigilant role in protecting her city. She led many attacks against the remnants of the Cult of the Dragon, which had been scattered following the Battle at the Well of Dragons. Sometime after the war, Ronald left her service.

Mental characteristics


Leonin spent much of her life, from the early 1460's until 1482 as adventurer, and a very successful one at that. Following the Bhaalspawn Crisis, Leonin has served as a member of the Parliament of Peers in Baldur's Gate, though she infamously rarely showed up to meetings.'   For the first few years after the Great Dragon War, Leonin served as a sort of attaché to Baldur's Gate's guard, training many soldiers and leading them in anti-cult raids. Nowadays, Leonin mentors young up and coming adventurers, inspirid by the exploits of the Breadwinners.

Accomplishments & Achievements

A hero of Baldur's Gate in both the Bhaalspawn Crisis and the Great Dragon War, Leonin has a career few have ever achieved. Her home in Baldur's Gate has many rooms literally overflowing with trinkets and treasures she's picked up from adventures. In addition, the decade she spent traveling and attending tournaments have made her a well known figure across the Sword Coast.

Failures & Embarrassments

Leonin has had many failures in her life, ranging from failed quests in her youth to the tragic loss of her mother. However, no recent failure is as heartbreaking as the bitter fallout between her and her former squire Ronald following the Great Dragon War.

Personality Characteristics


Leonin is driven by a never ending call to adventure. Though appalled by the danger posed by the Cult of the Dragon, it was the idea of another great and worthy adventure that motivated her to aid the Breadwinners in their quest.


Contacts & Relations

While Leonin has kept in contact with all of the Breadwinners, she has a particular fondness for Mariana Goldfinch, seeing much of herself in the young dragon hunter. Since their initial meeting in 1491, the two have maintained close correspondence over the years.
by Ashley
Leonin and Ronald in 1491
Chaotic Good
Current Location
Year of Birth
1443 CR 55 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born a bastard
Current Residence
Red with streaks of gray
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned brown
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Wizards of the Coast


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