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Mourning Dove

The Mourning Dove

The Mourning Dove is the alias used by the Guild kingpin of Tumbledown.  


  Following the resurgance of the Guild after the Baldur's Gate Uprising, each of the districts of Baldur's Gate were divided between various kingpin. The Mourning Dove instantly settled on Tumbledown as their base of operations, a location no other major player fought them on, as Tumbledown was viewed to be too out of the way and poor to be of any use. However, the Mourning Dove, a necromancer, saw possibility in the district, both in its large cemetary and in the possibility of boring tunnels to the river below, potentially creating more smuggling routes into Baldur's gate.   In 1493, Dzarya, a githyanki warrior living in Tumbledown after being abandoned following the Baldur's Gate Uprising, began working freelance for the Mourning Dove, though she never joined the Guild officially.   In the summer of 1494, the Mourning Dove arranged a partnership with the smuggler Buddy Novs from Elturel. Buddy claimed to have found a buyer for the Helm of Torm's Sight, which was being shipped into Baldur's Gate on the Aremag's Blessing, allowing the two to net a tidy profit. Due to the high profile nature of the crime, the Mourning Dove employed individuals not connected directly to the Guild. These individuals would later form the Lost Star Detectives, the saviors of Elturel during its damnation.   While the initial heist was successful, Buddy stiffed the Mourning Dove on their payment, and after years of string them along, in 1497 the Mourning Dove reassembled the group responsible for the heist, who also did not get paid, and sent them to Elturel to track down Buddy and take the money that was owed. However, the group was unable to retreive the Mourning Dove's money, as the entire city of Elturel, Buddy included, was teleported into Avernus, setting off a series of crisis.   More pressing for the Mourning Dove was the presumed death of Grand Duke Ulder Ravengard when Elturel disappeared and the resulting Flaming Fist Succession Crisis. Taking advantage of the chaos, the Mourning Dove began making aggressive moves to take over Brampton from its current Guild kingpin, one of many inner conflicts within the Guild in 1497.


Contacts & Relations

As a frequent employer of the future Lost Star Detective Dzarya during her abadonment in Baldur's Gate, the Mourning Dove grew to view her as reliable in a fight, though she was also a potential wildcard if not managed correctly. In 1497, when Dzarya was working alongside the other Detectives to uncover the Cult of Zariel in the city, the Mourning Dove attempted to use her connection to Flame Ronald Zodge to poison him or Marshall Liara Portyr, attempting to destablize the city further. Dzarya, however, replied noncommittally and ultimately did not go through with the request, though she would soon leave the city before she could experience the kingpin's ire.
Current Residence
Short, dark
Aligned Organization

Cover image: by Wizards of the Coast


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