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Davil Starsong

A handsome and charming Sun Elf, Davil conducts most of his business from The Yawning Portal, guarded by Yagra Stonefist, seemingly part of the Zhentarim organisation, although he denies to be aligned with certain thugs of that faction who have been active in the city recently. He claims to decry their acts, as well as those of the Xanathar Guild, and wishes to put a stop to the gang violence that's currently on the increase. He is in fact the Master of Opportunities and Negotiations for the Doom Raiders sub-faction of the Zhents.   He introduced himself to Eclipse of the Moon and Polly Perrenporth after their encounter in a Zhentarim warehouse, questioning them about what they were doing there and what transpired, and expresses interest in a sighting of the noble Lord Renaer Neverember who was with them. He invites them to perhaps perform some tasks for his group, firstly, to solve several murders of elves and half elves in the Dock Ward.   After his Doom Raider partner, Ziraj the Hunter killed the Drow Gunslinger that Polly and Eclipse tracked down, Davil inducted them officially into the fold, explaining how the Zhentarim had fractured into two factions within the city. His side (run by the Doom Raiders) were working to regain their legitimacy and influence in Waterdeep, and so a lot of their work was in thwarting the more sinister activities of the other half. Davil claims their goals are for the betterment of the people, but also for their own group to prosper through these noble actions.
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