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The Skewered Dragon

Nestled in between Net Street and Fillet Lane, and readily identifiable by the large iron Anchor that's wedged into it's roof, the Skewered Dragon is a rather rough drinking hole largely attended by sailors and workers of the Dock Ward.   The locals like to keep the place local, often proving unfriendly to those of other walks of life, especially adventurer's playing at being tourist. One way of getting on their good side is to indulge in gambling, so long as you're careful not to win too quickly.   It's here that Volothamp Geddarn and Floon Blagmar spent an evening drinking and playing cards, and upon leaving, Floon was abducted by Zhentarim agents who mistook him for Renaer Neverember, who had turned into the alleyway in an attempt to evade them. The two were taken to Candle Lane.
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
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