Harbin Wester

The townmaster of Phandalin. He's somewhat cowardly but offers rewards for dealing with the Redbrand threat and other problems around the town.   Appearance: Harbin Wester is described as a fat, pompous old man. He typically dresses in fine clothes that might seem a bit too small for his large frame. His appearance suggests a man who enjoys the comforts of his position.   Personality: He is known to be a coward, more concerned with his own safety than the well-being of the town. Harbin is overly cautious and can be very frustrating to deal with, especially for adventurers who are eager to take action.   Background: Harbin Wester is the Townmaster of Phandalin. His family has been in Phandalin for generations, which may contribute to his sense of entitlement and authority in the town. His background isn't deeply explored in the module, but it's implied that he has been in a position of power for a while and is used to the comforts it brings.   Role in Phandalin: As the Townmaster, Harbin Wester is responsible for the governance and administration of Phandalin. However, his cowardice and self-preservation instincts often lead him to avoid taking any significant action against threats, leaving the town somewhat vulnerable.   Combat Abilities: Harbin Wester is not described as having any notable combat abilities in the module. His role is more of a non-combatant, administrative figure. If he were to be involved in combat, it's likely that he would try to flee or avoid conflict at all costs.
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