Townmaster's Hall

The Townmaster's Hall stands as a notable structure in Phandalin, serving as the town's administrative heart. Constructed sturdily from wood or stone, it reflects its role as an important municipal building. The hall houses the office of the townmaster, Harbin Wester, a man often criticized for his ineffectual leadership, especially in dealing with the Redbrand threat. Inside, there's also a space for town meetings and a small holding area for criminals, underscoring its function as the center of local governance and order.   The Townmaster's Hall is pivotal for adventurers, acting as a hub for quests and critical information. Harbin Wester, despite his shortcomings, offers tasks and bounties, engaging adventurers in addressing various local threats. This building, more than just an administrative site, symbolizes the burgeoning growth and struggles of Phandalin as it transitions from a frontier settlement to a town striving for structured governance. As players interact with the hall and its occupants, they become entwined in the political and social fabric of the town, experiencing the challenges and nuances of life in Phandalin.   Music: Clumsy Politician

Purpose / Function

It serves as the administrative heart of Phandalin, housing the offices for town governance, including the townmaster's office. The hall is also used for town meetings, discussions, and may include a space for holding criminals temporarily.


Over time, the building might have undergone renovations or repairs, particularly if it faced any damage from local threats or due to its age.


A sturdy, functional style, reflecting its importance as a town building. It might be one of the more well-constructed buildings in Phandalin, possibly made of wood or stone. Designed to accommodate town meetings and administrative work, including an office for the townmaster and a small holding area.


The hall would have fundamental security measures like locks and possibly bars on the windows of the holding area. It's not designed as a fortress but rather as an administrative building.


Likely built shortly after Phandalin began to be resettled, placing its construction in the mid to late 1460s DR. Has played a significant role in the governance and development of Phandalin, housing various townmasters over the years.


The Townmaster's Hall isn't a tourist destination but may be of interest to those keen on understanding the local governance and history of Phandalin.
Founding Date
1461 DR
Public hall / house
Parent Location


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