Lionshield Coster

The Lionshield Coster is a merchant company in Yatar with branches in several towns in the northern region of the Forgotten Realms, including Phandalin. The Phandalin branch serves as a trading post where adventurers and townsfolk can buy and sell goods, especially equipment and supplies necessary for adventuring and mining.   Appearance and Layout: The Phandalin branch of the Lionshield Coster is likely a sturdy, well-built structure, possibly one of the better-maintained buildings in town given its affiliation with a successful merchant company. It would have a sign with the company's emblem, a blue shield with a golden lion's head.   Inventory: While the shop stocks general supplies and provisions, it specializes in weapons, armor, and other adventuring gear. This would be the place to buy swords, shields, leather armor, and possibly some items of a more exotic or magical nature.   Management: The Lionshield Coster in Phandalin is managed by Linene Graywind. She is known to be strict and by-the-book, refusing to sell weapons to anyone she thinks might be a threat to the town. This could include the Redbrands, a local gang that harasses the town.   Role in the Adventure: For the adventurers, the Lionshield Coster not only provides necessary equipment but can also serve as a source of local rumors and jobs. Linene may ask the adventurers to look for a lost shipment of goods that was waylaid by bandits on the Triboar Trail.   Connection to Other Locations: The Lionshield Coster has connections to other branches and thus can be used by the Dungeon Master to introduce plots that extend beyond Phandalin. It serves as a link between the local and the wider economic activities in the region.   The Lionshield Coster adds depth to the economic and social fabric of Phandalin, offering adventurers and locals access to goods and services that might be hard to come by in such a remote location.   Music: Phandalin Shops

Purpose / Function

  • Main Function: A trading post that specializes in selling weapons, armor, and other adventuring gear, catering to the needs of both locals and adventurers in Phandalin.
  • Community Role: Acts as a key commercial establishment in town, contributing to Phandalin's economy and security.


  • Modifications Over Time: The building might have undergone modifications to enhance its functionality as a trading post, such as secure storage for weapons and valuable items.
  • Adaptations for Business: The interior layout could be designed for efficient display and sale of goods, with possible additions for security purposes.


  • Design: The Lionshield Coster is likely a sturdy, well-constructed building with a practical design, befitting its commercial use.
  • Structural Features: It may feature a solid, possibly stone foundation with a prominent sign bearing the company's emblem, and a layout conducive to both retail and storage.


  • Security Measures: Given its inventory, the Coster would have decent security measures, like reinforced doors and locks, to protect against theft.
  • Precautions for Inventory: The valuable nature of its goods (weapons and armor) necessitates heightened security compared to other local businesses.


  • Establishment and Growth: It was established as part of the Lionshield Coster’s expansion into frontier areas, becoming an important part of Phandalin's resurgence.
  • Role in Local Development: Its presence in Phandalin likely played a role in attracting adventurers and bolstering the town's defenses.


  • Attraction for Adventurers: As a supplier of weapons and armor, it's a key destination for adventurers and might attract visitors interested in high-quality gear.
  • Significance for Tourists: While not a tourist attraction in a traditional sense, its array of goods and the reputation of the Lionshield Coster can draw the interest of those visiting Phandalin.
Shop, Generic
Parent Location


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