Session #1 - The Perilous Path

General Summary

Stavros Hilkin and Eoric of the Moonshae Isles were hired by Gundren Rockseeker and his companion Sildar Hallwinter to deliver mining supplies from Neverwinter to Phandalin from which Gundren Rockseeker planned to launch his mining expedition into what he seems to believe is the entrance to the legendary cave. Gundren and Sildar Hallwinter leave Neverwinter a day ahead of the party to “take care of business.”   Eoric and Stavros considered the dangers on The Triboar Trail and hire Ruby Hammerwhacker to aid them on their journey. The next day they secure the cart and head out. After a couple of uneventful days traveling South on The High Road, the party turned East along The Triboar Trail. A few hours into late morning the three spot two saddled untied horses grazing just off the path. Warry of the situation, Stavros stalked the woods and found the Goblins that were waiting for passersby to ambush. After a brief skirmish, the party captured one of the goblins and he reviled that Sildar and Gundren were captured. The party also finds an empty map case near the horses.   After some convincing, the Goblin leads the party to “The Eating Cave” also called the The Cragmaw Hideout. The party makes their way through the cave and rescues “PrincessSildar's dog, who guides them to Sildar. When they arrived, they find him bullied by 3 Goblins including Yeemik. Yeemik threatened Sildar and offered to set him free if the party kills Klarg. Stavros and Eoric were able to catch Yeemik off-guard and kill him before he could harm Sildar further. Upon his release Sildar filled the party in on some details of the Wave Echo Cave, and mentioned that he overheard Klarg say something about Gundren being taken to the The Cragmaw Castle.   The party ventured further in the cave but made the grave mistake of allowing one Goblin to flee as they ventured further into the hideout. This Goblin ran to Klarg to gather reinforcements from his chamber deeper inside the cave. Aware of Klarg’s strength from Sildar's account, the battered and bruised party fled the cave and took cover in the wood. Furious, the bugbear and his companions pursued them outside of the cave. After a brutal battle the party emerged victorious, and Klarg laid separately from his head.   Currently, the party is worn down but stable, and are considering venturing back into the caves to see what loot may be left behind but then their path will take them to Phandalin to claim their reward for delivering the cart of supplies and to try to uncover some information about where Gundren may be held.


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