Sleeping Giant Tap House

Exterior Appearance: The Sleeping Giant is a rundown, ramshackle building in Phandalin, showing signs of neglect. It has a faded sign depicting a wary giant, giving the establishment its name. The building's exterior is weathered and in disrepair, with maybe a few broken windows patched up or left unrepaired.   Interior Atmosphere: Inside, the tap house is dimly lit, smoky, and not the cleanest place. The furniture is well-worn and mismatched, indicating years of use and little maintenance. The air is filled with the smell of cheap ale and the sound of gruff voices.   Clientele: It's the regular haunt for the Redbrand Ruffians, and their presence is often strongly felt. The patrons are likely to be rough around the edges, possibly hostile to outsiders, especially those who seem like they don't belong in such an establishment.   Proprietor and Staff: The tap house is run by a proprietor who is likely accustomed to dealing with rough customers and might turn a blind eye to the shady dealings of the Redbrands. The staff, if any, would be similarly hardened by the environment.   Role in the Adventure: The Sleeping Giant Tap House serves as a potential hotspot for conflict and interaction with the Redbrands. Adventurers could end up here seeking information, provoking a confrontation, or even getting into a brawl.   Services Offered: The tap house offers basic, probably low-quality ale and food. It's not a place people go for a fine dining experience, but rather a spot to get cheap drinks and possibly overhear rumors or gather information.

Purpose / Function

  • Primary Use: The Sleeping Giant serves as a local tavern primarily catering to the rougher elements of Phandalin, including the Redbrands. It's a place for drinking, socializing, and sometimes less savory activities.
  • Role in the Community: It acts as a social hub for certain townsfolk and a gathering place for those looking for a less refined atmosphere.


  • Modifications: Given its rundown state, the tavern likely has seen makeshift repairs rather than proper renovations. Any alterations are probably functional, aimed at keeping the establishment standing and serviceable.
  • Interior Changes: Inside, the space may have been rearranged over time to accommodate more patrons or provide areas for gambling or private meetings.


  • Design: The Sleeping Giant likely features a simple, practical design typical of frontier architecture. It's probably a one-story wooden building with a sturdy frame to withstand the wear and tear of its patrons.
  • Interior Layout: The interior is likely dimly lit, with a bar area, a few tables and chairs, and possibly a small stage or area for entertainment.


  • Physical Defenses: The tavern might have reinforced doors and windows due to its clientele. However, any defenses are likely rudimentary, more to deter common trouble than a serious threat.
  • Security Measures: The main line of defense is probably the barkeep, Grista, and the presence of the Redbrands, who could discourage troublemakers.


  • Origins: The tavern's history is probably tied to the early days of Phandalin's resettlement, serving as one of the first establishments catering to the miners and workers flocking to the town.
  • Notable Events: It's likely been the site of numerous brawls and shady dealings, especially related to the Redbrands.


  • Appeal to Visitors: The Sleeping Giant isn't a tourist spot; its rough nature and clientele make it unappealing for casual visitors or families.
  • Unique Features: For those interested in the more gritty aspects of frontier life or seeking information from the shadier sides of town, it might hold some allure.
Founding Date
1475 DR
Pub / Tavern / Restaurant
Parent Location
Characters in Location


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