Polar Bonefish

Polar Bonefish is the kinder description for the Polar Hellfish, a juggernaut of a fish resembling something from the late Devonian period on Earth. Predatory, armoured, and mean spirited, it's been on the decline owing to being out-competed by fish with better evolutionary paths happening. But it's still a competitor, especially in the polar waters it's been pushed back to. Fossil evidence inidcates that a larger family of these fish were once common across Tanit II, but now only a few types exist in the cooler waters of the polar regions. Notable for their boney, segmented plates that make them all but impervious to most predators and physical threats.

Basic Information


Polar Hellfish range in size from 5.2m to 11m long, and weight between 2 and 5.3t. They have boney armoured bodies and heads, and their teeth are slabs of bone with chisel tips capable of biting through a human and a lot of underwater equipment with ease. Even their eyes have boney armour. Experts have described them as "Dunkleosteus terrelli on mad steroids", and they're not far wrong.

Genetics and Reproduction

Females lay clutches of eggs that the males then fertilize and then guard for the three weeks they take to hatch.

Growth Rate & Stages

Their growth cycle takes 12 years to reach maturity, and some specimens have been estimated to be over 200 years old.

Ecology and Habitats

The Polar Hellfish is found primarily in the cold waters of the polar regions and the cooler waters adjacent to them. They're a blue water fish outside of mating seasons, where they move to deep rocky areas.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Polar Hellfish are carnivores first, and scavengers second. They prefer other fish, but their teeth allow them to eat virtually anything.

Biological Cycle

Once they reach maturity, the life span of the polar Hellfish is currently estimated to be around 350 years if they don't die of disease or injury.


"Mean spirited" and "vicious" are common descriptors for the Polar Hellfish for a good reason. They are ornery at best and the safest way to observe them is via remote units.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Polar Hellfish is a delicacy but fishing is strictly controlled, with a limited number of tickets being issued each year.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Because vision and heairng aren't enough, the Polar Hellfish have active electrolocation capabilities. by creating amild electrical field, they can detect prey and threats out to approximately 50m. There are rumours that some are exhibiting an offensive electrical capacity that can stun prey (and possibly kill divers), and marine biologists are eager to confirm whether this is true as it would represent an evolutionary leap happening in observable ways.
50 to 100 years appears to be the norm.
Conservation Status
The remaining instances of this fish are classified as Vulnerable, facing pressure primarily from natural competition and little from fishing.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Silver boney plates with electric blue stripes. Gold lines streak their bodies and are their electrolocation organs.
Geographic Distribution


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