Tanit II

Tanit II is roughly 1.25 times the size of Earth, and is approximately 87% covered in water, classifying it as an Aquatic World in the old Terran World Index System. Aside from its size, and two moons, what's remarkable about it is how much like earth it is. Some believe this is a effect of the terraforming that occurred, but scientists have confirmed that prior to the terraforming effort, the planet was already 86.67% biologically similar. Enough that humans could have, with effort, survived there even without terraforming.


Land is a precious resource on Tanit II, making up only 13% of the planet's surface. Land is primarily found on its two large landmasses, and in its numerous atolls, islands, and archipelagos. There are other "landmasses", but these are massive coral formations that are only exposed during low tides. These geographic pressures have heavily influenced the design philosophies and engineering focuses of the Cartagans.   There are four oceans and over a dozen seas on the planet, all salt water with mineral levels identical to Earth's prior to the antarctic melt. Fresh water comes in the form of rain and a few rare rivers and lakes. Creeks and streams fed by underground springs and aquifers are common on larger islands, but rare on smaller ones and unheard of on atolls. Modern researchers estimate that during the Spacefall Century, themajority of deaths were from thirst before disease, starvation, or other causes.


The planet is warm, and its still largely intact atmosphere does an excellent job at thermoregulation. Like Earth, it experiences opposite seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres. The arctic and antarctic regions have no permanent ice, but do accumulate impressive amounts seasonal ice.

Fauna & Flora

In terms of fauna, Tanit II is overrun with functional analogues of reptiles, amphibians, fish, crustaceans, and other aquatic and marine species. To date, no mammal equivalents have been found, resulting in niche filling by a number of species. One of the most notable animal groupings are a bird analogue known locally as Petrels. These animals range in size from small birds to predators that see humans and zoanids as entirely viable sources of protein. Recently, scientists and animal observation enthusiasts have identified a new species of Petrel that has developed feathers, and the communities are now exploding with speculation on whether its the result of natural evolution or terraforming.   For flora, most of it was modified into earth familiar looking species or were the direct result of the spread of genetically modified species. Palms, ferns, and all manner of coastal flora appropriate to the climates has been planted, although Indian Ocean, Pacific Northwest, and Asian types are the most common. The areas can be quite mixed as well, as the terraforming crews often took a brute force "plant it all and see what grows" approach before they were directed to be more deliberate. A unique area is the interior of the largest continent, which features flora more in keeping with the inland regions of East Africa, including truly massive baobab trees.

Natural Resources

The natural resources of Tanit II are a mixed blessing. In terms of mining resources for metals, chemicals, and valuable minerals, the planet has an abundance, but most of it is only accessible by undersea mining operations. For things like seaweeds, and aquatic plants and algae, the planet provides in bulk; but wood and plant fibers are are a premium, and are legitimate luxury items in many parts of the planet. Likewise, decorative coral and building coral are easy to come by, but concrete and stone is rare away from mining communities. Overall, Tanis II is a self sufficient planet in terms of resources, but the accessibility of some of them is different from Earth norms.


Discovered in 2200 GSE by the USNES Himilco, the planet was rapidly terraformed and became a new home to peoples displaced by rising sea levels on Earth. Always limited by its distance from the core worlds, Tanit II none the less became a popular vacation destination and a reliable source of processed metals and rare earth elements to the larger galaxy. Far from the troubles, the system was taken aback when the Great Stellar War started, and more so as three fleets ultimately poured into the system to wage war for access to their resources. In the centuries since it lost contact with the rest of the galaxy, it has seen its own conflicts and upheavals, ultimately leading to the current political climate.


Once thriving on a galactic level, the tourism industry of Tanit II is still a draw to the millions who live in system. Its many seasonal festivals, races, extreme sports challenges, and hunting are draws for all manner of people.
Alternative Name(s)
New Carthage
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