Somsri's Shrimp

Tanit II is home to a wide variety of marine life, and one of the keystone species are Somsri's Shrimp. First identified and studied by Lawan Somsri, a marine biologist from Thailand, the Somsri Shrimp are vital the processes of Tanit II's oceans.   Initially, it was beleived that there were multiple species of these shrimp under larger groups and families. This was blown away once they were successfully genome mapped. Somsri discovered that what they had thought were multiple species of shrimp were in fact the same animal at different life stages and after different environmental exposures. Eager to learn more, Somsri discovered that in addition to having distinct life stages punctuated by notable changes in colour and morphology, that the shrimp also underwent changes based on their environment. Originally, Somsri was supposed to conduct a long survey of Tanit II's sea life, but it turned into an entire career that produced reports and evidence that would aid later scholars in their studies of the actions of the Antecessors.

Basic Information


Somsri's Shrimp look like Earth standard shrimp, save that they always have vibrant colouration.

Genetics and Reproduction

During their mid life stage, the Somsri Shrimp will reproduce en masse, with females releasing eggs for males to fertilize. There's no competition, just reproduction on a borderline industrial scale.

Growth Rate & Stages

Somsri Shrimp have the conventional 8 stages of life that terrestrial shrimp do, and a life span of approximately 10 years.

Ecology and Habitats

These shrimp can be found in all climates on Tanit II, and exihibit unique adaptations that were genetically programmed to activate under specific environmental conditions. They are marine life, so they thrive in salt and brackish water.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Like terrestrial shrimp, they eat anything. However, they're a notable part of the ecosystem for their role in scavenging decaying matter. Whether it's acting as cleaners to larger and more dangerous marine life, or picking a carcass clean at every stage of its sinking from bloated on the surface to resting on the bottom. Their gut tracts are capable of digesting virually anything. As a result, they must be carefully cleaned before eating as they can contain some fairly horrible bacterial strains.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Somsri's Shrimp have average at best senses and no known extrasensory abilities. They are notable for their simultaneously poor vision (estimated to be good to only to short ranges), and outstanding colour perception (an estimated 14.5 million colours and limited infrared and utraviolet sight).
Scientific Name
Crustacean - Tanit II
Conservation Status
Least Concern - between their natural levels of fecundity and carefully managed shrimp harvests to ensure that shrimp of the right age and life stage are harvested in sustainable numbers, the Somsi Shrimp continue to thrive in Tanit II's water.
Geographic Distribution


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