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Korg Mrraka

Korg Mrraka began as a quasi-military, quasi-law enforcement force unaligned with any strill clan-government or polity, to enforce strill non-aggression pacts and diplomatic agreements. As strill colonial expansion took them to new areas of space, the Korg Mrraka became the armed escorts and security forces for newly-established communities, until the clan-alliances built sufficient resources to form their own militias.

The Korg Mrraka acted as a defense force for the Gharvalt Clka in the Hrgazhn Nexus conflict with the Xihe Stellation, and has continued to function occasionally as an expeditionary arm for some strill involvements in inter-being conflicts.

Strill undertaking the "trragha zhnehellk" may serve in the Korg Mrraka as required preparation to seek service or employment among other spacefaring beings, to ensure that they will have the discipline and resource to keep from draveg khazh.
Military Order

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