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Halls of Creation

The Halls of Creation is a large building that expends into a tower 600 feet tall, with 30 floors and a unknown number of basement levels. Outside the building is large paved yard. The building and yard is all surrounded by a tall fence and a large metal gate.   The tower is covered in hundreds of metal panels, most un-damaged by time.   Up into 301 PS the outside of the building was shielded by a powerful illusion, giving the appearance of the tower being destroyed and the crater constantly burning with thick black smoke.

Ground Floor

Two large iron doors mark the entrance to the building. To the side, on a glass-like panel is a glowing outline of a humanoid hand print. When Marcon Amblecrown placed his hand on the glass panel in late 301 PS, the doors opened and the back-up power activated throughout the tower.   The ground floor contains a large hall with a number of meeting rooms off to the side and elevators and stairs at the far end. The stairs only go up. The meeting rooms have many well preserved human skeletal remains.

Floor 2 - Offices

This room has many, many offices. It is very obvious from a glance that this area was abandoned in a hurry. There are scraps of paper and parchment on the floor. There looks to have been fires in some of the offices, magic damage in others – all in order to have destroy some of the paperwork and equipment.   Security Room A large room at the end of the second floor is protected by a metal door and another glass-like panel. Marcon also opened this in late 301 PS.   One side of the room has lockers that were filled with weapons and armor until they were looted. The otherside of the room has a large control panel with a scrying view screen. In late 301 PS Herman pulled a lever labeled "Reset Mythallar" which restored full power to the building. When the power was restored the screen would display images seen by scrying drones flying above and around Amberlight.

Floor 3 - Office

This room has many, many offices. It is very obvious from a glance that this area was abandoned in a hurry. There are scraps of paper and parchment on the floor. There looks to have been fires in some of the offices, magic damage in others – all in order to have destroy some of the paperwork and equipment.

Floors 4 to 5 - Barracks

This level looks to have been accommodation for the staff and soldiers that worked here. It is in poor condition.

Floor 6 - Tower Base

This is the first level of the actual tower.   The elevator doors here are glass, allowing the security that were once posted here to verify anyone going up the tower, or hit a emergency recall button.

Floors 7 to 20 - Private Office

This level has a large office, meeting area, plus accommodation. It is very obvious from a glance that this area was abandoned in a hurry. There are scraps of paper and parchment on the floor.

Floors 21 to 22 - Records

This level once held records. Most were taken out.  

Floors 23 to 27 - Storage

This level once held useful supplies, most were taken out.

Floor 28 - Clockwork Storage

This level contains a large of offline Clockwork Watchmen, all defective. There are 39 Clockwork Watchmen in total.  

Floor 29 - Empty

It appears this floor was left empty intentionally.

Floor 30 - Mechanism Level

This level has the physical workings of the elevators. A series of cogs, wheels, wire ropes, and crystals – all receiving power vial large metallic cables.   There is a another room filled with large scrying arcane crystals. There are a total of 50. These can be used to place the crystals hidden in the ceilings of the other levels of the building.   There is also a ladder to the roof. On the roof is a near invisible scrying crystal. It is about 8 feet tall and 4 feet wide.

Basement Floor 1 - Records

This level once held a lot of records. Like the upper floors, many appeared to be destroyed, however due to the size of this floor there is still plenty left to discover.

Basement Floor 2 - The Divine Hammer

This floor is for the operation of The Divine Hammer. There are three panels in this room that are for targeting and firing the Divine Hammer and for replaying recorded scrying records.

Basement Floor 3 - Cyborg Upgrader

This floor contains a machine that give humanoids bone and joint upgrades using technology.

Basement Floor 4 - Mythallar

This level holds the Mythallar, as well as containing and redirecting its magical energy.

Basement Floor 5 - Armory

This level held a new generation of war machine built by Amberlight Pre-Scouring. However, they never got the chance to pull the final lever to activate them. Instead they were activated in late 301 PS by Gwendolin. Being left offline for so long corrupted a lot of their programming, causing some of them to go berserk, where others gained sentience becoming Gearborn.

Purpose / Function

The Halls of Creation served as the scientific, magic, and military centre of Amberlight.


The building is constructed with a combination of concrete, metal, stone, and timber.
Founding Date
Parent Location

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