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30% Mindflayers, 40% Grimlocks, 25% Gearborn, 5% Other, and a Vampire.


The city was split into three main sections: Upper Amberlight, Northern Amberlight, and Southern Amberlight. However, the suburbs to the east of the city is often referred to Eastern Amberlight.

Upper Amberlight

The original mortal home to the Pyreburner while visiting the world, this massive floating palace was destroyed at the beginning of The Scouring by an attack from The Divine Hammer

Northern Amberlight

This was the home to most of the businesses, temples, and homes to the residents of the city. There is evidence of a Illithid colony ruling over the city.

Adventurers' Guild

This ruined castle with a hollow tower is in terrible condition.   This tower has three floors, a basement, and a hollowed out tower.


Circular tiered seats face a stone stage and the damaged building behind it.   The building is in bad condition, but stable enough. Most of the furniture inside is rotted to chunks and dust.


This large building near the Docks seems to have been embedded into the ground. It's steel roof is almost completely rusted away.   Inside the building, between stone pillars and collapsed rusted beams of steel are the remains of multiple destroyed pools. Water seems to flow out of ceramic pipes that still lead into the broken pools, and run across the floor before draining into a sinkhole in the center of the room.   In the back of the room is an intact tank. Thick glass is held up between stone pillars, where water spills from the joins.   In this pool, there was once Mind Flayer tadpoles and eggs. These were destroyed by a group of adventurers in late 301 PS.

Bard College

Surrounded by a crumbing stone wall is a large stone building, an open courtyard with a stone stage, and a large tower to the side.   The main building looks to have been partially protected from the explosion by an arcane barrier. The main hall is decorated with large paintings of various bards that were well known before the Scouring. There are a total of four floors to this building.   The tower looks to have been burned from the inside. There is a set of stairs that lead up to the top of the tower The top floor is much bigger than what it appears on the outside, and decorated with statues of dancing skeletons.


The Bathhouse is rundown stone building divided into four main bath rooms off a main hall. The water in each of the pools is murky and poisonous.

City Hall

The remains of a large stone building that had been blasted open with cannon fire from an adventuring party in late 301 PS.

Civilian Docks

Towards the northern side of North Amberlight are the Civilian Docks. These docks are very old, the stone has weathered to be smooth with rounded edges.


A massive stadium standing in ruins. Through the ruins there is a crawl space that leads to the main arena.

Dwarf Town

A massive set of stairs lead down beneath the city, into an area once known as Dwarf Town.

Grand Park

Between North and South Amberlight is a massive park that was made up of well maintained gardens, expensive restaurants, and forest-like areas. At the western end everything is completely levelled with many of the plants preserved magically until recently where they have started to rot. This forest area is a tree graveyard, with the remains of the trees reaching upwards like skeletal hands.


A large two-storey stone building with large holes where wooden sections of walls once existed. It looks as if quite a few groups have come through this building, seemingly using it as a safe place to camp - though some adventurers know better.


A large four story building. It shell is made of stone with clear fire damage. Inside, the upper floors are completely destroyed, with just stone pillars and the stone staircase remaining. Sections of the stone floor are covered with water that seems to bubble.

Industrial Docks

Located towards the southern end of North Amberlight. The wooden structures have rotten away leaving the rusted shells of steel ship and stone foundations of the docks.   A large aquatic aberration swims in the water around these docks.


Near the centre of north Amberlight is an open plaza surrounded by damaged buildings. The plaza itself is filled of uneven ground, with ground being collapsed into storage basements.   There are holes that are deep enough that lead to the Dwarf Town.

Tax Office

A large but single levelled stone building. It looks as if the back have of the building has collapsed but someone has tried to build basic stone walls as defences. The inside of the building looks to have been thoroughly picked through.

Temple of the Dawnhammer

Next to the entrance to Dwarf Town is a large stone building in the design of a Dwarven fortress. The outside walls are marked with the carvings of the Dawnhammer and the symbol of the Gavel on an Anvil, all faded with time.   In this basement of this building is an active arcane circle to the Dawnhammer that can be used by Dwarves and the followers of the Dawnhammer.

Temple of the Frostbearer

Shattered across the ground is the remains of the Temple of the Frostbearer. It appears to at one point have been intentionally destroyed.

Temple of the Storm Master

The Temple of the Storm Master is a large lighthouse located between the Industrial and Civilian Docks, 300 feet out to see at the end of a stone causeway.   The ground floor of the lighthouse has been set up in the form of a small courthouse, though most of the wooden furniture has been lost to time with just the stone benches remaining.   The top of the tower is a small room with the remains of the massive crystal that used to light the tower.

Temple of the Unseen

The Temple of the Unseen is barely an empty shell, will only sections of the outside walls remaining. Shambling in the ruins are x10 Zombies.   Even though the temple is destroyed, the graveyard with a single crypt is relatively intact, however the crypt is open and empty. Above the coffin inside the crypt is a plaque that says 'He could not stand his death, so lives eternally entombed'.


Near the Industrial Docks is a large, mostly intact stone warehouse. Inside are piles of stone slabs and rusted metal beams forming a maze like structure.


The waterworks is a massive stone and steel building built over an underground water source towards the north end of North Amberlight.   The steel is heavily rusted and the roof seems to have been caved in from a massive impact.   This appears to be the main home to an Illithid colony.

Southern Amberlight

This was the home to the inventors, the wizards, the army and the navy. This part of the city had massive buildings of steel, glass, and arcane crystal, as well as massive docks.   It is currently inhabited by corrupted war machines and the recently awoken Gearborn.

Arch-Mage Palace

Once home to the Arch-Mage of Amberlight, this large, tall, circular palace sits at the top of the southern hills of Amberlight. After the Scouring, the Arch-Mage attempted to turn himself into a Lich but lost his mind in the process.

Art Gallery

In its prime this art gallery was a garden surrounded by a building displaying artwork comprising of painted scenes of nature.

Halls of Creation

The Halls of Creation is a massive tower in the centre of South Amberlight.


This library is a large two story building. Somehow is resisted much of the damage from the end of the Scouring.   At the end of the Scouring, the library was in the process of being moved, with many books being sent off to various temples and libraries across Oros for safe-keeping. There are still many books left.


From the front and back, the museum looks to be in good condition, other than a bit of fire damage. From the sides it is obvious that something massive smashed its way through the building.   The Museum was the lair of a Chameleon Hydra, but an adventuring party killed it and cleared out the building in late 301 PS.

Pillar of Smoke

Coming from the center of Southern Amberlight is a massive pillar of dark smoke. A few individuals have noticed that this pillar is an illusion of some form.

Temple of the Divine Watcher

This temple looks to have been destroyed with intent and rage. All that remains of this temple is a large crater. However in the centre of this crater is a raised mote of land that can be accessed via a stone bridge. On this mote is an archway. At one point this archway contained a portal to the the Trial of The Divine Watcher.   There are appear to be heavy humanoid footsteps leading to and from the remains of the temple, heading in a westerly direction.

Temple of the Ticking Overseer

The Temple of the Ticking Overseer acted as the library for all legal agreements and contracts made between people within the area. Often people would return to the temple to discuss clauses within agreements with other parties, with the priests of the Ticking Overseer ensuring that people are acting in a fair manner.   When the Pyreburner attack, devils invaded this temple to take as many contracts as possible. They used these contracts to find potential new victims for their own infernal deal.   Otherwise, other than minor damage, the temple is in an okay condition. Painted in rust paint on the entrance in common is “Behold the Lord of Lies. See the greatest lie of them all!”

Eastern Amberlight

Not really a separate part of Amberlight, but used to describe the urban sprawl that radiates out from the city.   Most of the buildings are badly damaged, as if they have been hot by a flash fire 301 years ago. Though some are still intact.


In the first age of Humans this was a city of wonders, merging magic and technology to make wondrous creations with the knowledge given from The Pyreburner. However, over 305 years ago a war broke out between the humans and the Pyreburner, with the Pyreburner unleashing his final bit of life-force in a devastating attack on the city.   This city is in ruins. Many adventurers enter to scavenge for artifacts from the first age, most never return. The few that do return come back with incurable illnesses from the Ambient Magic Sickness, and stories of horrific remnants of the war between man and the fallen god the Pyreburner.   As of late 301 PS, the Ambient Magic Sickness ended with the depletion of the Mythalar in the Halls of Creation.   Also in late 301 PS the Gearborn were awoken. Many chose to stay in the city, renaming their new home 'Neonlight'.


Up until late 301 PS this city seemed to avoid the more extreme weather events. It would barely rain or snow, there was barely any wind, and there was constant cloud cover.

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