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Mission Report #321 by the Chosen One

Report dated 23rd Day of the 4th Month of the 298 year Post Scouring.   This report is broken into two sections, the events in Chillmaw and the events in Amberlight.   Chillmaw   On arrival in Chillmaw it was obvious from initial observations that the town had been under attack. Evidence pointed to an attack by Giants, Goliaths, and Kobolds. Most of the town was destroyed by fire.   The Hall of the Oracles had been completely burnt out by fire. All bodies had been completely destroyed. Nothing was recoverable.   All people found within the town had been killed and their bodies were either consumed or burnt beyond recovery.   In my professional opinion, the town is unsafe for resettlement.   Amberlight   The events of this part of the report are from the wastelands that surround Amberlight and not Amberlight itself. Amberlight is too dangerous for any to enter including the Ascendants, and the wasteland is too dangerous to all non-Ascendant humanoids.   I approached from the skies to the Roadside Inn. It was obvious from the burnt remains that there had been a terrible fight with many civilian bones found in the ashes. From the burnt ruins, I followed the tracks of my colleagues. It was obvious that they had been taken against their will.    I followed the tracks for several hours before following them into underground pipes. After some time I discovered an Illithid colony. I destroyed the colony and attempted to recover my allies, however they had be converted and had severe Ambient Magic Sickness. Unfortunatly they were not recoverable.   In my professional opinion, no further adventures or quests should be ventured in the area of the wastelands of Amberlight.

Document Structure

Publication Status

Public record of The Imperium Alliance.

Legal status

Official report of The Imperium Alliance. Confirmed as legal record of events by The Second Oriana Imperium.
Report, Incident
Authoring Date
23rd Day of the 4th Month of 298 PS
Signatories (Characters)
Signatories (Organizations)


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