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Ubanda Morgan

Ubanda Morgan

Ubanda is a Half-Orc Ranger that lives and works in Vanbourne, along with her mastiff Rex.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Ubanda is very fit and strong. She is able to travel great distances without being worn out. She is also able to handle herself in a fight, able to take on most of the locals in Vanbourne easily enough.

Facial Features

Ubanda does have several face scars as the results of fights against bears and wolves.
You should see the other guy!
— Ubanda Morgan

Special abilities

Ubanda finds it very easy to hide herself in frozen and snowy terrain.

Apparel & Accessories

Ubanda never goes anywhere without her dogsled which holds all of her worldly possessions.

Specialized Equipment

Ubanda does collect magical arrows, using them only when she absolutely needs them.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ubanda's Half-Orc parents raise Ubanda around their business of being guides to adventurers who wanted to wander into the wilderness north-east of Ravenmore. Once Ubanda reached adulthood, her parents retired and Ubanda becaume a guide to the frozen north.   Since the distruction of Chillmaw, work as a guide has become rare. She will pretty much accept any job that comes across her path to gain some coin.   Ubanda had snuck into Chillmaw shortly after it was destroyed and has some doubts over the official story of its destruction.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Since the destruction of Chillmaw, Ubanda spends a lot of her time fighting and drinking - to the point where is is almost completely broke.


Contacts & Relations

Ubanda is technically a member of The Silver Strings and occasionally has done work for them.

Social Aptitude

Ubanda has a coarse way of speaking and behaving. Her first impressions she commonly gives is that she is just another brute. However, she is brutally honest and loyal to her friends which makes her well liked in Vanbourne.

Hobbies & Pets

Rex is Ubanda's mastiff. Rex is very well trained and has been conditioned to pull Ubanda's dogsled over great distances of frozen terrain, as well has being trained to handle himself in a fight against some of the more dangerous wild beasts of the north. Rex is 8 years old. Ubanda is aware that Rex is likely to die of old age in the next 2-6 years and is deciding on if she should adopt a new dog.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Year of Birth
266 PS 36 Years old
Current Residence
Dark Brown
Long Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dull Green
170 lbs
Other Affiliations


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