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by Wizards of the Coast (Player's Handbook)
The largest city of The Second Oriana Imperium. Has a strong industrial district that produces a lot of wood, iron, and steel based products. The city also has large docks.   Due to its location Ravenmore is a freezing temperatures all year round will few exemptions in the middle of summer.


80% Human, 5% Dwarf, 5% Halfling, 5% Elf, 5% other


Crystal Plaza
After the Scouring, the centre of the city was levelled. The 'King' of the city decided on the rebuild to only allow the most expensive of businesses to rebuild here, and arranged for the building of a massive garden that his homed in large crystal domes.   Forge Valley
The north east side of the city forms a valley. This once had a river, but it is now a series of drains. This district is home to most of the industry of the city.   Iron Docks
Docks where resources and supplies are shipped in and out. Very busy all of the time.   Northern Docks
Small docks that focus on transporting people. Also home to some of the more up-market homes of Ravenmore.   Market District
Extending from the southern gates towards the Crystal Plaza. The streets are packed with businesses, often with homes at the top of two or three story buildings. During the day, the streets are full of traders. At night, the homeless gather in groups to keep warm.   Lao Keep
To the north east of the city is a massive keep that is many many centuries old. It is home to the Lao family.   Before being part of the Oriana Imperium, Ravenmore was its own kingdom under the rule of the Lao Royal family. Now the Lao family manage the city under the Second Oriana Imperium, and allowed to keep their royal titles.   Eastern Slopes
Covers most of the eastern part of the city. Home to most civilians, but many businesses exist here as well.
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