
Lady Laharika

Laharika lives in a world of facts and concrete needs. She lives in the present, with her eye constantly scanning her personal environment to make sure that everything is running smoothly and systematically. She honors traditions and laws, and have a clear set of standards and beliefs. She expects the same of others, and has no patience or understanding of individuals who do not value these systems. Laharika values competence and efficiency, and like to see quick results for her efforts.   She is a take-charge person who has no scruples about stepping on toes to reach a goal. She has a clear vision of the way that things should be and naturally steps into leadership roles. Laharika is self-confident and aggressive. She is extremely talented at devising systems and plans for action, and at being able to see what steps need to be taken to complete a specific task. Though, Laharika is often very demanding, critical, straight-forward, and honest. At first interactions with her, she may seem a spiteful harpy but she does not do what she does out of vengeance. Rather, she truly believes she is right. To her it’s not the steps taken but the destination. If she does seem unnecessarily cold it is her unhappiness betraying her.   Laharika values security and social order above all else, and feel obligated to do all that they can to enhance and promote these goals. She does anything and everything to promote personal and social security. Obstacles are not thing to stand in her way.   Laharika was raised as a very spoiled princess who is now deeply dissatisfied with her current life. Growing up, she believed that she was meant for greatness, not the mildly favored concubine of a second prince. Her malcontent manifests through an icy demeanor. No one peels back her layers without her consent. She can be scornful toward those she considered inferior but always remains collected. For Laharika to show true emotion requires a situation truly dire. Most of the time she is a quiet and reserved individual with a serious air. Laharika lounges in conversations and doesn’t animate her face more than a smirk or roll of the eye.   This is not a mark of unintelligence however. In fact, she is too bright to be a simple concubine. Laharika is a intelligent, shrewd and politically savvy woman that was raised in privilege. While looking completely disinterested, she studies every movement of those around her and plots.   Laharika's character flaw is based on the incorrect belief that the world is an overly demanding place and the only way to get what she wants is to be powerful and force her will on others.   When she's under pressure, she withdraws. When she's relaxed and secure, she uses her power to help others get what they want.   At work, Laharik is strong-willed and power hungry, untroubled by obstacles. She tends to stand up and protect the underdog, but seeks confrontations with others to see where they stand. She’s attracted to power jobs that promise a lot of responsibility.   Laharika can be self-sufficient and dominating in a relationship. She is direct, persistent and sometimes confrontational. Other characters feel protected and safe with her strength, but the controlling can be hard to deal with. Also, her inability to show vulnerability can be hard for a partner or friend.

Physical Description

Body Features


Apparel & Accessories

Wears little clothing, is causal, and doesn't care for modesty

Mental characteristics



Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes



Family Ties

Mother: Aman Sinaya



Sister Wife

Towards Laharika



Sister Wife

Towards Mithril


Socioeconomic status
Chaotic Good
Current Residence
Sleek, Long, & Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation