Vysenya Panhellenios

Lady Vysenya Panhellenios

Vysenya is a daughter of Hercules and Hebe, wed to prince Thor as a secondary wife to strengthen the bonds between the realms. Her and Thor respect one another, but their relationship is formal and without love. Vysenya has only born one daughter, much to the dismay of Olympia. Despite her high rank, she lives a reclusive lifestyle and leaves the harem in the hands of the Noble Consorts.   Vysenya seems like a peaceful, relaxed, easy-going person and, for the most part, is just that. However, there is a low-grade inner battle going on in her mind that takes energy to keep under control. If anyone or anything adds to that inner tension it can create real anger within. However, this subtype is cerebral and so does not usually lash out at those she feels are causing this disturbance. Vysenya is more likely to let it burn inside her, hiding the hatred. Perhaps it comes out in other ways, becoming sarcastic, irritated, resentful or self-righteous, complaining in indirect ways. An interesting facet of Vysenya is the ability to compartmentalize things. She will be amazingly motivated to do some things and amazingly lazy about other things, which can get her in trouble.   Having had a lot of education, Vysenya rarely exhibits this advanced level. She prefers to match the intelligence level around her, but with this much education, she’s able to fit into more situations and understand more diverse points of view. At work, Vysenya is calming, empathetic and reliable. She can bring people together and resolve conflicts, but tends to put aside her own needs to go along with the team. She’s attracted to jobs where she can work independently away from stress.   The dialogue for Vysenya has a calm, reassuring outer component with an edgy, angry inner component. She is likely to use sarcasm a lot or snide comments but veil them behind compliments.

Physical Description

Body Features

Slender hourglass

Apparel & Accessories

She dresses in glamorous floor length gowns. She gravitates to loose styles that flow behind her and the color gold. Her favorite accessory is a crown shaped to look like branches.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Vysenya is one of the many children of the Olympian god Hercules, blood sister of Alexiares and Anicetus. Being Hebe's only daughter, Vysenya was cherished by her mother but her fate would lead her to be wed to the Asgardian Prince Thor. Unhappily, the marriage was arranged.




Highly educated

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Strengths: Forceful, Trustworthy, Observant, Practical, Serious, Determined, Patient, Orderly, Disciplined, Ambitious, Dedicated, Flexible, Logical, Independent, Intelligent, Tactful, Straightforward, Honest.     Weaknesses: Mistrustful, Passive, Cynical, Blunt, Materialistic, Blunt, Stand-offish, Indifferent, Cold,


Family Ties

Paternal Grandparents: Zeus & Alcmene   Maternal Grandparents: Zeus & Hera   Father: Hercules   Mother: Hebe   Children: Cytheris



Sister Wife (Important)

Towards Vysenya Panhellenios



Vysenya Panhellenios

Sister Wife (Important)

Towards Járnsaxa




Sister Wife

Towards Vysenya Panhellenios


Vysenya Panhellenios

Sister Wife

Towards Mithril


Socioeconomic status
Lawful Neutral
Current Residence
Wavy, shoulder blade length, and golden blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, slightly freckled
Known Languages
All-Speak, Olympian