Core and Diasporan Worlds

Core Worlds

The Metropolitan worlds of the Galactic Core are fantastically wealthy (in the pre-utopian sense), rich with technology and cultural capital, and enjoy easy access to blink gates and Union resources. Their citizens, generally speaking, want for nothing: they’re afforded a base level of housing, education, healthcare, and food, all localized to their state, with ready access to the galaxy’s wealth of data, goods, media, literature, etc.   The concepts of wealth and capital are abstract on Core worlds, as currency and its generation tend to be replaced by a generalized requisition capacity. Unless one needs to venture off a Core world, any given Metropolitan would likely have no concept of currency exchange for goods and services. Labor is largely automated on Core worlds unless it is undertaken as ideological pursuit or by holistic motivation, curious exploration, or myriad other motivating reasons. Metropolitans of the Core worlds aren’t idle; they simply don’t need to worry about wages, capital, and the vagaries of the market, as Union ensures all needs are met.  

Considerations for Core status

Core worlds are varied in appearance and level of urbanization. What matters is not the scale of development on the world, but the degree to which the world can adhere to Union’s Utopian Pillars. In practice, this requirement tends to necessitate some level of significant Global urban development – most Core worlds have at least one significant global capital metro area – but it’s not a blanket truth. The worlds of the Galactic Core achieve their status on the basis of two broad criteria, evaluated and approved by stakeholding Union bureaus:  


  Are there limitations on movement and the distribution of populations? Put another way, can the people of the world petitioning for Core status actually travel freely across it? Are there reliable and ready methods for getting people to and from orbit? Free movement is the basis of one of the Utopian Pillars: “No walls shall stand between worlds”.While the whole planet does not need to be blanketed with metroswathes or otherwise occupied and fruitful, the capacity to achieve this indicates that a world might be suitable for integration into the Galactic Core.  


  Does the world whose culture(s) and state(s) seeks Core status have a demonstrated history of compatibility with the Utopian Pillars and a body capable of ensuring their implementation, whether its a central government, unipolar administrative body, decentralized consensus, or other consensus-finding entity?  

The Diasporan Planet

A Diasporan world, meanwhile, is any settled world, moons, or satellite that lacks Core status. In these places, life can be more difficult, and populations may want for food, medicine, and other necessities. The designation of “Diasporan” encompasses everything from initial, small-team Colonies through to built-up worlds with populations in the millions.


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