//::The Hercynians made a last-ditch attempt to smash Evergreen, aiming for the heart: the colony’s omininode.   Desperate, the attackers activated a trump card: REGRET, a salvaged Hercynian Crisis–era Enkidu chassis. Used in the final stages of the TBK, these mechs were extremely volatile shock troopers built to engage and shred masses of **JSuekAAa&** at extremely close range. The expected survival rate of their pilots was not high, and they were typically piloted with the aid of pyschoactive stimulants.   REGRET was uncovered, repaired, and activated by Hercynian patrols as a desperate measure in their ongoing war against the Machine. During the raid on Evergreen, REGRET was piloted by a Hercynian ranger named Anander Danjuro. Their decision to activate REGRET in what essentially is a terror attack was not popular with command. They did not survive the encounter.   The Lancer team reached REGRET just as it breached the walls of Evergreen and were able to intercept it before it proceeded further. In the background, the remaining Hercynian forces traded fire with the colony’s militia.//
REGRET caused many civilian causalities. These were deemed within tolerable levels.
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