Robotic drones used for a variety of
industrial, logistical, and military tasks, subalterns are
a common sight across many worlds in and around
Union space. Unlike other drones, subalterns tend to
be humanoform in design, which allows them to
interface with vehicles and tools already adapted for
human use. As a result, while they may not have the
advanced capabilities of more specialized, singlepurpose
drone models, they are extremely flexible
Subalterns can be directed by either basic
Comp/Con systems or NHPs, the latter of which
sometimes use subalterns as physical avatars for
moving around the world and interacting with people
directly. Subaltern designs vary tremendously in tems
of aesthetic and functional considerations. They
range from near-human models with synthetic skin,
musculature, and faces that lift them just out of the
uncanny valley through to military models stripped of
nonessential cosmetics in favor of robust
superstructures, armor plating, hardened electronics,
and aggressive postures.