The Verdant Social Arc

An early offshoot from The Interstellar, the Verdant Social Arc (VSA) is a coalition of parties that initially organized as an anti-colonial front in response to SecComm’s imperial flattening of thousands of Diasporan worlds. Since the creation of the Bureau of Colonial Administration, the VSA has transformed into a generalist social-democratic left coalition, more radical than the Interstellar, but uncomfortable with NSC’s radical rhetoric.   The VSA’s membership has declined steadily with each election since the founding of the NSC, as its member parties drift toward the center or further left. Currently, the VSA claims 15 percent of the representatives in the Central Committee.   The members of the VSA are a dwindling group of more-than-moderate, not-quite-radical Metropolitans, isolationist Diasporans, and old BCA personnel who have remained in public service.


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