Union Administrative Department

Union’s largest administrative body is the Union Administrative Department. First and foremost, the UAD is responsible for dispatching administrators across the populated galaxy to act as liaisons with Union’s client states. It receives guidance from CentComm and pushes them as command imperatives to administrators, who then work with local rulers and governments to find a best-fit integration based on local conditions.   The administrators are vast in number, but a rare sight in most of the Diaspora, as they usually deal directly with rulers or ruling councils. To the average Diasporan or Cosmopolitan, administrators are enigmatic, dangerous, and appealing figures. They travel with NHP companions (typically embodied in a retinue of attendant Subaltern forms), help steer the course of civilizations, and are Union; for most people, they are the manifest presence of a ruler that is profoundly distant, if not entirely mythic. The word of administrators seemingly supersedes the will of kings, presidents, popes, and all the rest.   Unlike most representatives of Union’s hegemony, administrators do not integrate with the societies in which they are embedded. They are meant to be visible – to be easily identifiable markers of Union’s authority. However they express their gender, all administrators wear the same uniform: a clean suit in dark Union Gray, their rank as administrator denoted by a silver pip on the collar. Their NHP-piloted subalterns adopt a similar matte gray livery. This visibility is profitable for Union, save for those cases in which recognition of an administrator’s role would jeopardize their life or mission. Of course, these cases are rare – attacking an administrator is a sure way to draw Union's punitive attention.   Administrators are pulled from all over the galaxy according to esoteric, exacting criteria. They are typically chosen as children and trained from an early age alongside a unique NHP – one built specifically to pair with them. This training takes place at satellite campuses scattered across the galaxy, but over the decades of their apprenticeship, all administrators spend some time on Cradle – an experience meant to be an acute reminder of humanity’s origins.   Upon graduation and notification of posting, administrators choose names local to the cultures in which they will be embedded. Since they must engage in Interstellar travel, their old identities are declared dead, formally retired as part of the graduation ceremony.   Together with their subaltern NHPs, newly minted administrators head out into the galaxy to give counsel, file reports back to the UAD, and ensure their host state develops ccording to the missives they receive from Cradle.


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