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Sessie 5: Back at Djachroum Report

General Summary

Our heroes arrive back from their first adventure together at Station 18.They have Jihan with them.  

Djachroum intermezzo

Happy we docked safely, we said our goodbye's to Jihan. I gave him a hug and we promised to keep in touch. We made our way to the Cave of the Hanging Bridges. We suddenly noticed that Shamus was walking very funny. Turned out his monocle was broken, so he could not see anything with one of his eyes. How he managed to dock the ship this way, is still a mystery to me. He most defently has een lucky bird on his shoulder. Shamus needed to get his monocle fixt, but we also needed a drink, or better so, Armand needed a drink.   We set down at Janna's Cantina. A lot had happened since we last visited the cantina, almost a week ago. We met our new friend Shamus, we went on a mission and found ourselfs in a most amazing adventure. Armand ordered us drinks and the barlady gave Armand a warm welcome. "He you, tall one, there you are again". She told him she heard about the discovery of Spacestation SS-18 from two guy's who came in the cantina yesterday. Hmm....... news travels fast in the Third Horizon, we thought. All of the sudden, Shamus cried out: "Poffertjes, I want poffertjes" We all felt hungry, so we all ordered poffertjes, with poeiersuiker and veganbutter. We talked about what we should do next. We decided to stay together as a team. We needed each other. Armand and I want our independence and Shamus wants to proof to his father he can make it on his own. We didn't know exactly what kind of missions we wanted to do, although Shamus did say something about diamonds. While enjoying our drinks and the poffertjes, I recieved a message from Jihan. He told me that he found out more information about what had happend at Spacestation SS-18. He would keep me informed if he had more information. After finishing our drinks, Shamus went to repair his monocle and Armand said he would check out if he could learn something about other missions we could take on and maybe a place where we could buy some new gear. I took a stroll over the Bazaar, to take my mind of things. I bought some things for Jezebel to play with.
  • Khadyr Sabah
    Finally back in Djachroum. We received our 10000 BIRR and were of to Janna's Cafe. Here we had a few drinks to celebrate that we survived our first mission. Everything looked ok. I did hear from the bartender some people already were aware of the discovery of Station 18. But nothing else. Nothing to worry about.   It was time to decide what to do next. Shamus wanted to repair his glasses and Khadyr wanted to check the Basaar. As for me: search for a new mission. After the three of us left the cafe i went to find the nearest new terminal. The Space Collective was the nearest. Still no news about Station-18: good. But also no lucrative missions. Just a few thousand birr. Not enough for us to live.   In the scientific bulletin i found a message from Doctor Samah. He was asking for a crew who would take him to the Mining Baron's Palace. This was on Asteroid D14465 in Ashala's Belt. Not to long ago Maghdan ore prospectors discoved a big building which was over 200 years old. Probably built by the firstcome. He wanted to continue his research there. He could not offer money... but he did promise the people who helped them could keep everything they found. This made it legit. I heard the palace was looted and the items were sold on the black market for a hefty price. The one's who were caught received long prison sentences. No money up front but a promise of a large profit. Maghdan Ore sells at a very good price on the market and the last thing in the message told there were three large vehicles on the Asteroid: one ship and two landcruisers.
  • Armand Serrano
  • Gulbaran's bridge (Bridge town - Djachroum) cover
    When I met up with Armand he told me about an interesting mission he had found. A man called Dr. Samah was looking for a crew who would take him to the Mining Baron's Palace on asteroid D14465 in the Ashala's Belt. He wanted to do research on a recently discovered 200 year old building, probably built by the Firstcome. Although we wouldn't recive any money for bringing Dr Samah to the astroid, we could keep everything we found out there. For us two things made it interesting. We could mine Maghdan ore there, but there was also the possibility of finding rare archeological artifacts. I could see Armand eyes light up when he told me about the possible archeological finds. Suddenly we heard someone shouting our names. It was Shamus. His monocle was repaired so he could see us from afar. Shouting and franticly waving his hands he made his way to us. We looked a little embarassed and told Shamus to keep his voice down. We didn't want to attract to much attention to ourselfs. Although Shamus still had diamonds in his head, he also agreed in taking on this mission.
  • Khadyr Sabah
  •   In the meantime Khadyr receives more messages from Jihan with important information.
    Our second day started with a visit to the mining office, buying supplies and maintenance of the ship. I already contacted Dr. Samah and he agreed to meet us the following day.
  • Armand Serrano
    After a good night sleep and a refreshing shower, we went to the to the Mining Office to get more information about mining Maghdan Ore. Although there wasn't much enthusiasm about our plan to mine Maghdan ore at the Ashala belt, they did sell us the necessery equipment. Two prospecter drones and eight collecter drones. Armand paid 1.700 Birr and the drones were ours. We then bought a compass, bionoculars, some spare parts and a breach charge. The ship needed some maintenance, so we took care of that and Armand contacted Dr. Samah, who agreed to meet us the following day.   Back in my hotelroom I again recieved a message from Jihan. This one made the hairs on the back of my nack stand up. Jihan told me that he found out that the Task Force Massar had spotted Armand disarming the nucliar bomb at SS-18 using a little spycam. He urged me to tell Armand to be carefull. After that message I couln't sleep very well. What did this mean. Who could be after Armand. Should I tell him.......  
  • Khadyr Sabah

    Thoughts - by Shamus Loaded

    A few days ago we landed on spaceport Djachroum. The ship did a freefall until I got the brakes to work.Luckily, it's a big spaceport and I arrived where I had to be: the services area.   That other dude, Jihan, ran off to his friends. No thank you, no goodbye's, no hugs. Just poof! We agreed to lay low for a few days, do our own thing and then meet back at Jana's cafe. Three days of bliss, they were. I had my monoculair fixed by Aggggmed, went for a relaxing footrub and got my toenails clipped. Also managed to get the a new bed. Don't know what happened to the current one, but it looked and smelled funny. Then, on the final day, I met Armand and Kadir at Jana's. They had a new mission. One for exploring D14-465, an asteroid belt thought to contain Maghdan. Maaaaghdaaannn... Oeh, twinkle, twinkle, tummy rub. Money, money.
  • Shamus loaded
  • Jihan Darim

    Jihan Darim is a shooting star among astronomers and was one of the youngest to ever get into the ancient Fermal-Garoud's Mathematical Institute in Daddah at Dabaran. Unfortunately, his studies suffered when his father disappeared on SS-18. He dropped out of the Institute and supported himself as a technician and navigator on ships, until he collected enough birr to arrange an expedition to SS-18.   Darim’s expedition News reports on Djachroum or Coriolis talk about an expedition that set out to retrieve the remains of Professor Hulab Darim who is feared lost. The heroes can be emplyed by relatives of the expedition members, the shipping company that equipped the ships or maybe The Foundation, to find out what happened.

    Jina Aud Massar

    Task Force Massar is one of the Legion's action groups in the Rimward Reach. They are led by Jina Aud Massar, a disciplined and quick-thinking officer. The soldiers have secured information from what is left of the computer system on tags and are preparing for departure.  

    Task Force massar

    Unlike the Foundation, the Consortium has a plan to fix SS-18, once and for all. Not long after Jihan's expedition left, an encrypted order was sent to Legion base Thalus to board the station and, if possible, retrieve research data. The mission fell to Task Force Massar that takes care of the Legion's dirtier missions in the Reach. The Task Force was issued with a small battleship and a thermonuclear mine and sent on its way.   Other than this, the Legion does not consider the station a high priority. The patrols that the Legion performs in the area have has long been deprioritized for more important tasks, such as chasing subversive elements (read: nomads) along the Khea Route, where some torpedo boats recently disappeared.
    The league of misfits
    Shamus loaded
    Name:shamus Loaded
    Face:Cross eyed, dark heavy eye brows. Female cheak bones and a dimple when I smile. I have a mold under my left eye.
    Clothing:Young sealskin coat, freshly bashed. Wellies and lederhosen.
    Hit Points6/
    Mind Points7/
    Dexterity (Agility)1
    Force (Strength)2
    Infiltration (Agility)1
    Observation (Wits)1
    Ranged Combat (Agility)1
    Culture (Empathy)1
    Data Djinn (Wits)3
    Technology (Wits)2
    Targeting scope (CYB)
    Gear Bonus
    Moisture condenser -
    Talisman -
    Exquisite clothing -
    Exo shell -
    Targeting Scope (CYB) -
    Accelerator Pistol -
    Armor Rating Comment
    shield - -

    Khadyr Sabah
    Name:Khadyr Sabah
    Concept:Trailblazer - Prospector
    Face:Dark short hair, little bit wild like it hasn't been combed for days. Green eyes. Weather beaten skin.
    Clothing:Black leather pants. Tunic with belt.Leather boots. Leather coat with fur lining.
    Hit Points5/5
    Mind Points9/9
    Infiltration (Agility)1
    Manipulation (Empathy)1
    Melee Combat (Strength)1
    Observation (Wits)1
    Ranged Combat (Agility)1
    Command (Empathy)2
    Medicurgy (Wits)1
    Pilot (Agility)1
    Science (Wits)1
    Technology (Wits)1
    Survivor (grouptalent)
    The Dancers talents
    Gear Bonus
    Enviromental scanner (+2 survival) -
    Communicator V -
    5 m dose 5x (+1 Medicurgy) -
    Exo shell (-2 dexterity -
    Armor Rating Comment
    Rugged +3 Exo Shell +2 - -

    Armand Serrano
    Name:Armand Serrano
    Concept:Scientist - Archealogist
    Face:Plump, Clean shaven, short hair
    Clothing:Dockworker pants, Leather jacket, boots, Woolen sweater.
    Hit Points7/7
    Mind Points7/7
    Force (Strength)1
    Manipulation (Empathy)1
    Observation (Wits)1
    Survival (Wits)1
    Culture (Empathy)1
    Science (Wits)2
    Technology (Wits)3
    Xinghur: Resistant
    Gear Bonus
    Proximity Sensor -
    Portable Lab -
    Database -
    Medkit -
    Tools (Advanced) -
    Armor Rating Comment
    Shield - -

    Player Journals
    Rewards and new opportunities by Armand Serrano
    Footrub, Footrub, Footrub by Shamus loaded
    Intermezzo at Djachroum by Khadyr Sabah
    Report Date
    13 Dec 2021
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location


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