BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Session 10 - Into the darkness Report

General Summary

There we were, in cellblock three. Still shaken from what had happened. Niya decapitated by Massar after betraying us. We thrown in jail. What was next. Our first night was cold. The bed was much sleep. The next day I woke by the noise of the doors of our cells opening. All the prisoners left there cell We were told that we could eat some breakfast before we were put to work. Breakfast was no more then some kind of grey and undefined substance. I saw Shamus looking at is with some disgust and I couldn't blame him. We decided to sit at a table with on other person. He did not want to say his name, only his number. He called himself number 7943. We asked him if he knew Armand. He told us that he knew of him, but that he was gone now. Gone ..? Whereto0..? How...?   We didn't get much time to think about it. We were ordered to go and work at section 6 of the mines, together with an other prisoner 28...?? Shamus took a pick axe and I took a shoffel. Guards were watching us constantly. And there were camera's everywhere. Shamus saw that not all the camera's were working. He managed to examine one of the camera's while I distracted one of the guards. He found out that it wasn't connected to the computer but to a mainframe. We also tried to get to another level but unfortunally we failed.   At the end of the day we were tired and hungry. Again we got some kind of grey substance on our plate . I wanted to sit at the same table as that morning trying to get some more information out of 7943, but Shamus wanted to sit next to 20.... As soon as we sat down, a loud voice asked us who gave us permission to sit at that table. And with one blow smashed Shamus his plate on the ground, with the grey substance face down. Shamus got angry and before I could do anything he said "Nobody touches my food". The man, known as Big Rolf, turned out to be the biggest man in prison. He walked up to Shamus and gave him a big blow with one o his enormous fists. Shamus flew trough the air, bus somehow he managed to kick Big Rolf in his balls. Big Rolf growled with his hands holding his sore nuts. Quickly Shamus and I cleared of taking our plates elsewhere.   The next day we again were put to work. This time at an other site. We came u with a plan to get to the lower level were according to Shamus the mainframe should be. Wo got past the guards and made our way to the lower level. There we saw in one of the hallways a sign with a radiation warning. Because we had no choice we decided to walk on. Nothing happened. The sign was false. Because the hall way ended we had to turn around and go the other way. Again we saw a radiation sign. This time we also noticed two people in protective suits. Shamus urged us to press on, and so we did. Not a good idea......... I instantly felt very sick, and there was no other explanation, I suffered from radiation poisoning. And to make things worse, we were found out.... again.   They were not amused and make us take a shower to wash of the radiation. After that I immediately felt better. Then the put us back into our sells with the warning that if they caught us wandering o again, it would be solitary confinement for us. It felt that we were getting further and further away from our friend Armand. I felt hopeless. And for the first time in my life I didn't know what to do. Hungry and cold I curled up in my bed. Hoping I could get some sleep. Saving my strength for what was to come. .....   Khadyr Sabah
Oh my god! This was such an exiting day! We went to the amdin level. And then we got some food. And Then we met 7943. And then We asked him about 9725. And then Grise come over to us. He told us to behave. We could make points and money and maybe leave. And then I got number 4254 and fuckface got number 8391. And then we went back to our cell block. And then someone told us we would start in area 5. And then we went to area 5. And then we talked to 2803. And then I tried to break into a camera. Well, that failed. And then the guard tells us to go back to our cell. And then we went for lunch. And then we sat next to 2803. And then a Yeti, 7057, moves over to us. And then I slapped him silly, while he did me. And then we went back to 7943. He tells us that 7057 is trouble. And then we ask him about the computers. 7943 says no. And then we went back to area 5. And then we tried to reach level 7, failed and got handcuffed.   And then we were back on our cells.   Next day we hear that 3120 did a David Carradine. Yugh.   And then we went for lunch.   And then I found some cigarettes.   And then we went to area 4.   And then we see guards moving a dead body.   And then we try to move to area 6.   And then we try to move to area 7.   And then we find a metal door.   And then we move into area 8.   And then we move left, right, center, up, down as the merry goes round.   And then we arrive at area 12.   And then I hope this read has been as annoying for you as the session has been for us.   Lights out. Shamus loaded
Carl told me to be alert today. And it was. Going to machineshop i passed the tunnel where the mining drones were busy. The number 4 Elevator was accessible again. I checked the wiring. No issues heren. It only was missing power. Then i heard something coming from the end of the tunnel. I followed the drones. In the light of their torches i could see the access to a different tunnel. The drones were walking through the new opening. I followed. The tunnel was 1 - 3 meters in height. After some time we arrived in a new area. This was the lower mining level. I could see prisoners in HEV suits mining ore. I did not stop but followed the drones. Who started digging again. Very soon they broke through the wall into a natural cave system. I was wondering if anyone knew this would be here. Again it was difficult for me following the drones. The tunnels were very narrow on some points. This went on for a long time until they stopped at a wall. This looked metallic. The drones started drilling the stones and suddenly a panel was visible. It had a green circle. Probably the opening mechanism. Could this be our way out. Without hesitation i pressed the button. The wall opened and i could enter the room. The rocks were replaced with green opal look. This was something different.... As i walked forward i entered a large round room with a tentacle machine in the middle. Carl messaged me: "Find the control room". There were 7 tunnels. Without hesitation i started to check what rooms were behind every tunnel. This was definetely some base of operations. It had a prayer room, machineshop, crew quarters and food processing. Even a little museum. One room had a closed door. In the last room i entered there was someone sitting in a chair opposite a machine. The person did not react to my voice or hand signals. When i touched it's grey gown. It fell down with a puff of dust. It was ancient. I took the gown and found a green ring. I checked the machine. But this was not something to discuss. Probably best to destroy it. With the ring i went back to the closed door. It opened. This was the control room. There was a terminal which activated when i touched it with the ring. Now i received a new update from Carl. I had to attach the circuit to the terminal. This was very easy. Did he know more about this installation ? Carl showed me a map of the installation. It was something unknown to me. But it looked like a outpost which was abandoned a long time ago. There was a shuttle in the next tunnel. This was our way of this rock. Carl started to charge the batteries. I had to check the ship if it was in working order. Going to the ship i passed a room with some coffins in it which glowed green. Best not to touch them. You never know what is inside. The ship was in good working order. It had room for four persons. Now i had to wait until the batteries were fully charged: 25% at this moment. I decided to check one of the crew quarters where a door was broken down. Maybe there was something valuable there. Going through the rubble i found a red ring. In the corner of my eye there was a safe with a red circle. I pressed the ring on it. It opened the weapon cabinet. I know have four guns. This was looking good. Now to check the machineshop. A lot of equipment was unknown to me. I did find something that could help. Some odd looking device (200 Birr). The batteries of the ship were now 50% charged. Then Carl told me there was something happening in the prison. Three persons arrived that were looking for me. One of them, a young woman, was killed. The other two: a short guy with big glasses and a woman were imprisoned. This had to be Shamus and Khadyr. I could not leave them behind. I had to think of something. First i tested the alien weapons. They were still working. But i would do this alone and needed some help..... from the drones. Carl told me he had transfered control of the drones to my Pad. Excellent. Now to arm the drones. One was very difficult, so it had to do the heavy lifting: Codename Mongo. Drone number two could only fire the alien weapon: CodeName Kraber. Drone number three could shoot and do the heavy lifting: Codename Flash. Now to plan the escape. Free Khadyr and Shamus and find three spacesuits. Armand Serrano
The league of misfits
Shamus loaded
Name:shamus Loaded
Face:Cross eyed, dark heavy eye brows. Female cheak bones and a dimple when I smile. I have a mold under my left eye.
Clothing:Young sealskin coat, freshly bashed. Wellies and lederhosen.
Hit Points6/
Mind Points7/
Dexterity (Agility)1
Force (Strength)2
Infiltration (Agility)1
Observation (Wits)1
Ranged Combat (Agility)1
Culture (Empathy)1
Data Djinn (Wits)3
Technology (Wits)2
Targeting scope (CYB)
Gear Bonus
Moisture condenser -
Talisman -
Exquisite clothing -
Exo shell -
Targeting Scope (CYB) -
Accelerator Pistol -
Armor Rating Comment
shield - -

Khadyr Sabah
Name:Khadyr Sabah
Concept:Trailblazer - Prospector
Face:Dark short hair, little bit wild like it hasn't been combed for days. Green eyes. Weather beaten skin.
Clothing:Black leather pants. Tunic with belt.Leather boots. Leather coat with fur lining.
Hit Points5/5
Mind Points9/9
Infiltration (Agility)1
Manipulation (Empathy)1
Melee Combat (Strength)1
Observation (Wits)1
Ranged Combat (Agility)1
Command (Empathy)2
Medicurgy (Wits)1
Pilot (Agility)1
Science (Wits)1
Technology (Wits)1
Survivor (grouptalent)
The Dancers talents
Gear Bonus
Enviromental scanner (+2 survival) -
Communicator V -
5 m dose 5x (+1 Medicurgy) -
Exo shell (-2 dexterity -
Armor Rating Comment
Rugged +3 Exo Shell +2 - -

Armand Serrano
Name:Armand Serrano
Concept:Scientist - Archealogist
Face:Plump, Clean shaven, short hair
Clothing:Dockworker pants, Leather jacket, boots, Woolen sweater.
Hit Points7/7
Mind Points7/7
Force (Strength)1
Manipulation (Empathy)1
Observation (Wits)1
Survival (Wits)1
Culture (Empathy)1
Science (Wits)2
Technology (Wits)3
Xinghur: Resistant
Gear Bonus
Proximity Sensor -
Portable Lab -
Database -
Medkit -
Tools (Advanced) -
Armor Rating Comment
Shield - -

Player Journals
In jail! by Khadyr Sabah
On my own part 4 by Armand Serrano
Nobody knows the trouble I've seen Nobody knows my sorrow by Shamus loaded
On my Own Part 3 by Armand Serrano
Report Date
02 Apr 2022


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