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Fri 22nd Apr 2022 12:01

In jail!

by Khadyr Sabah

There we were, in cellblock three. Still shaken from what had happened. Niya decapitated by Massar after betraying us. We thrown in jail. What was next. Our first night was cold. The bed was much sleep. The next day I woke by the noise of the doors of our cells opening. All the prisoners left there cell We were told that we could eat some breakfast before we were put to work.
Breakfast was no more then some kind of grey and undefined substance. I saw Shamus looking at is with some disgust and I couldn't blame him. We decided to sit at a table with on other person. He did not want to say his name, only his number. He called himself number 7943. We asked him if he knew Armand. He told us that he knew of him, but that he was gone now. Gone ..? Whereto0..? How...?
We didn't get much time to think about it. We were ordered to go and work at section 6 of the mines, together with an other prisoner 28...?? Shamus took a pick axe and I took a shoffel. Guards were watching us constantly. And there were camera's everywhere. Shamus saw that not all the camera's were working. He managed to examine one of the camera's while I distracted one of the guards. He found out that it wasn't connected to the computer but to a mainframe. We also tried to get to another level but unfortunally we failed.
At the end of the day we were tired and hungry. Again we got some kind of grey substance on our plate . I wanted to sit at the same table as that morning trying to get some more information out of 7943, but Shamus wanted to sit next to 20.... As soon as we sat down, a loud voice asked us who gave us permission to sit at that table. And with one blow smashed Shamus his plate on the ground, with the grey substance face down. Shamus got angry and before I could do anything he said "Nobody touches my food". The man, known as Big Rolf, turned out to be the biggest man in prison. He walked up to Shamus and gave him a big blow with one o his enormous fists. Shamus flew trough the air, bus somehow he managed to kick Big Rolf in his balls. Big Rolf growled with his hands holding his sore nuts. Quickly Shamus and I cleared of taking our plates elsewhere.
The next day we again were put to work. This time at an other site. We came u with a plan to get to the lower level were according to Shamus the mainframe should be. Wo got past the guards and made our way to the lower level. There we saw in one of the hallways a sign with a radiation warning. Because we had no choice we decided to walk on. Nothing happened. The sign was false. Because the hall way ended we had to turn around and go the other way. Again we saw a radiation sign. This time we also noticed two people in protective suits. Shamus urged us to press on, and so we did. Not a good idea......... I instantly felt very sick, and there was no other explanation, I suffered from radiation poisoning. And to make things worse, we were found out.... again.
They were not amused and make us take a shower to wash of the radiation. After that I immediately felt better. Then the put us back into our sells with the warning that if they caught us wandering o again, it would be solitary confinement for us. It felt that we were getting further and further away from our friend Armand. I felt hopeless. And for the first time in my life I didn't know what to do. Hungry and cold I curled up in my bed. Hoping I could get some sleep. Saving my strength for what was to come. .....