Battle of the Ascended

The final battle of The First Great Invasion, where Demon King Lavven faced the first Champion, Teodoro Evangelista Vincente in a spectacular duel of divine granted might.

The Conflict


Lavven, having finished uniting the rest of the Demon Realm, came to Human Realm to take as many of the Seven False Demon Kings back to the Demon Realm as posisble. He believed they would still be a great boon to the realm, and did not want to lose their talents to their own pride or humans reclaiming their lands. He had successfully taken two kings back, and defeated a third.   Teodoro had realized Lavven's goal, and thus waited at what would come to be known as the Champion Gate to the Demon Realm to confront him. As the Ascended King, Teodoro saw him as humanity's greatest threat - believing Lavven intended a full invasion after consolidating his forces.


Teodoro brought with him the Nine Reborn in Holy Fire - the descendants of rulers that had been deposed by demon kings, and had performed the ceremony to summon him. Their formation was very simple - physically blocking the way to the Champion Gate.   Lavven, as was his way, had come to the Human Realm on his own - believing now that the realm was united and his children and grandchild ready to carry on his work, he would not be a terrible loss on his own. As such, his forces were the demon king he had defeated in a duel and their forces that chose to return with them.


The Champion Gate, like most gates, stood in an open field. While a market and town had been built around it, Teodoro destroyed both - considering the residents traitors for trading with demons.

The Engagement

Lavven challenged Teodoro to a one-on-one duel, asking only that his new subordinates be allowed to return. Teodoro initially agreed - but then attempted to slaughter the other demons before they made it through, prevented only by Lavven's spacial magic. Once the first blows were exchanged, the battle between both sides began.   Lavven and Teodoro did face off directly - both recipiants of Greater Blessings. Even without his Tenfold Strength, Lavven's magic was still significantly boosted - and he was accustomed to using it cleverly against stronger opponents. Teodoro, after having deafeated five other demon kings, did not expect one who fought assuming he was at a disadvantage. He himself had won through the overwhelming power of his own magic - and none of the other kings were magic users.   Teodoro used more powerful and wider ranged attacks to try and compensate for Lavven's ability to teleport - in response, Lavven tapped into the Magnetic Energy of the Human Realm directly to match his scale. The other combatants were forced to disengage and focus on their footing as the battelfield was split apart and fragments of land began floating in the air.   Teodoro had never struggled in a past encounter, and pulled on more power than he ever had before - taking control of the floating masses of land and sending them hurtling at his opponent while using his fire magic to super heat them. Lavven became more desparate as his adversary continued to throw more and more at him - his magnetic shield beginning to fail him.   As Lavven realized a strike would spell his death, and the death of the people he had been bringing home, he managed to tap into a form of energy he had never used before - Celestial Energy, the power of the deities themselves.   However, as mortals were not meant to handle such power, Lavven was only able to defend himself and perform one strike against Teodoro before his body rejected the power for its own protection. When Lavven struggled to even remain awake, Teodoro went for a final strike - only for Micah, God of Protection, to step in and save Lavven. He bid Lavven and his people to finally return to their home realm, declaring Teodoro's attack beyond the scope of what he had been summoned to do.


Teodoro discovered he was not as untouchable as he believed, and retreated to what would become the capitol of the future Holy Divine Sacred Empire of Angelic Purification. He remained cloistered for the rest of his life, and his descendants continued to rule from his secure residence.   Lavven remained in the Demon Realm for the rest of his life, but continued his mission of uniting the realm and bringing a brighter future to its inhabitants. Since he did not used celestial energy for long and recieved healing from Vasculas, Goddess of Medicine, he did not suffer long-term side effects from its use.


The Church of Micah split from the Eastern Ring Pantheon, and Micah became the patron god of imps for bidding his followers protect them from Imperial persecution. Some other deities of the Eastern Ring Pantheon joined him over time as the Empire began declaring Angela the only true goddess, forming the Veden Pantheon with Micah at its head. Over time, many of these deities took on the appearance of imps themselves, including Micah.   A secondary Realm Gate was Wished for at the Hundred Years Ball, allowing travel between the Demon and Human Realms not controlled by the Empire. This Gate was brought forth in Vede, the country formed by imps fleeing Imperial persecution.   The field around the Champion Gate continues to have a high magnetic charge, with small floating islands and random bursts of lightning between them. Access to the area is controlled for both the safety of those attempting to travel through and controlling who may enter the Demon Realm.

Historical Significance


Teodoro declared Lavven's display of power proved that demons were too dangerous to leave be - insisting that it was only a matter of time before one of their Ascended Kings did invade the Human Realm. Many agreed with him, and so the practice of summoning Champions every hundred years to combat such a threat began.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Conflict Result
A draw between Lavven and Teodoro due to the intervention of Micah, God of Protection.

Read Demon King's Gardener, the serial webnovel set in the world of the Thirteen Realms.

In Which a Demon King Does Not Have a Romantic Interest in His Human Gardener

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