Prismatic Tigers

The most powerful of all Light-Water Tigers, the Prismatic Tiger is a sign from the gods themselves when its light is glimpsed on the horizon. Created by the gods directly to sire the other lines of Light-Water Tigers, they exhibit awe among even the most proud, atheistic, or jaded people. It's light on the horizon is enough to cure a village of all its ailments, bring vision to the blind, height to the famine-stunted, wits and heartiness to the aged, bravery to the cowardly, temperance to the greedy, pride to the ascetic, humility to the prideful, peace to the disturbed, ambition to the content, and hope to the jaded. To see it itself is like gazing into the very fabric of the light of the gods, a chaotic storm that brings reassurance, but overwhelms one with the sense of awe-striking power.
JadeMerien - Link
Genetic Ancestor(s)