King Aeratïl (Air-uh-teel)

King Aeratïl Ássá'anï (a.k.a. The Crimson King)

Mental characteristics


Trained as a White Tiger Knight (Mït Aenaïssîayin Ásláyin) in his homeland of Yattamun'Yemná. Became professionally skilled as a knight. Studied both Lightspeech and the common tongue as a young noble. Trained with the Mystics of Light to learn how to harness his light.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Partook in the last three years of the Twilight Rebellion (Ranfinrimmit) as a knight against the petty nobility. Traveled as far south as Ati'namîát during his duty as a knight. Took control of the chaos surrounding the death of the royal family and became King of Glimmershine and the Songlands.

Failures & Embarrassments

Was nearly assassinated if not for a petty noble's assistant taking the arrow for him.

Intellectual Characteristics

Outgoing, yet demanding and critical, always living in the present.

Morality & Philosophy

Known to be realistic and committed, and known to be dependable and clearly has set limits he is unwilling to cross.

Picture by Sanguynne (Link)
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
29985 20 Years old
Current Residence
Glimmershine Keep, Qislia'yátyá
Long Black, Trimmed Beard
7ft 2in
The Light
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Lightspeech, The commoner speech
Light Color:
Crimson Red